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Crisp Cucumber

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Everything posted by Crisp Cucumber

  1. I really like SoulSilver. And Pokemon Pearl/Platinum.
  2. Banned because you should play some Megaman! 8D Or Sonic.
  3. Banned because it's alright, no biggie. And yes, MLP music is fantastic.
  4. Banned because I know. Dx I just need to listen to some MLP music to make me cheery again!
  5. Mighty No. 9 is gonna hit $900,000 soon! 8D

    1. Demyx.
    2. Crisp Cucumber

      Crisp Cucumber

      Mansions would be too big for me. :OxD


      And hooray! $904,078!! :D

    3. Anonn0000


      I like the idea of a big house. More exploring to do!



      ...my current house is small and boring x.x;;

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  6. Banned because one day you'll find your real life Riku. Don't worry!
  7. Banned because I like the Geico gif you posted.
  8. Nope, I didn't. I may get it sometime in the future.
  9. Really nice! Fantastic job.
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