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Crisp Cucumber

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Everything posted by Crisp Cucumber

  1. I remember this fanmade song. It's amazing. Speaking of that, I'm going to find a mp3 download of it. Oh, and Princess Cadence is from the episode, "A Canterlot Wedding" from season 2. [media=]http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf_MHBwEuAs[/media]
  2. Fluttershy is my favorite. Rainbow Dash is also in my "favorite pony" list, and MLP is for everypony (everyone), which makes it 20% cooler. O3O
  3. Hopefully we'll see a trailer at E3...sometime soon. I want to hear Rhyme, Neku, and Joshua's voices. O3O
  4. أنا أحب كندوم هارت I love Kingdom Hearts.
  5. I saw all the parts for this. I love the story and the voice acting is truly amazing. Yes, I'm a fan of MLP.
  6. It has been a week, please change my username to Crisp Cucumber.
  7. Could I have my username changed to Crisp Cucumber, please? (I love cucumbers. )
  8. I love this one. Minecraft is one of the best games.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sob1t-iUCmE Vinyl is hilarious when it comes to a sandwich. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob5g2irAUdo This piece of fanmade music is just amazing.
  10. I will be yelling with joy and excitement when that day comes! PLEASE, NOMURA! JUST MAKE ANOTHER TWEWY!
  11. I miss those shows, too. Getting up in the morning and watching them. Good times, right? I agree with you 100%.
  12. I would not like it at all. Disney Channel now is just terrible.
  13. Nomura has been hinting at a sequel. You could check out this thread. It has some info. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/33589-kingdom-hearts-3d-appears-in-nintendo-dream-magazine/
  14. I hope they come back. It would be nice to see them again. Hopefully we will get a sequel for TWEWY soon.
  15. Oh boy, I remember that. The way Joshua talked to Neku was hilarious.
  16. I got into this show because my older brother, and my favorite pony would have to be between Rarity or Fluttershy.
  17. I hope they bring them back. Using the drive forms were useful and fun to use.
  18. I like the theory but like DkrisXIII said, more evidence is needed.
  19. I love this little victory song.
  20. Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here!
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