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Crisp Cucumber

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Everything posted by Crisp Cucumber

  1. Welcome to the site! I hope you'll enjoy your time here.
  2. Well, that was disappointing.

  3. Steven Speilberg. Nintendo or Square Enix?
  4. Yes, and I'm grateful to Oishii for bringing us back the news that we wanted. Awesome job, Oishii!
  5. 80's. Chicken Soup or Vegetable Soup?
  6. Now we know NA will be getting a KH3D demo on the eShop. I hope it's released soon. :/

    1. Roxas_Axel_Xion


      i just hope itz b4 the game is released

    2. Wuver


      You can buy lots of things with 5$ 8D

    3. Shana09
    4. Show next comments  105 more
  7. I've seen this so many times. I love the part in the beginning with the smooth jazz.
  8. Pegasus. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Spoon or Fork?
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