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Crisp Cucumber

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Everything posted by Crisp Cucumber

  1. I honestly think the models are pretty cool and unique. I don't have a Wii U so I'm hoping the 3DS version is as good.
  2. I'm happy with the release date. This game looks so fun.
  3. No, not this time! > Weedanort?
  4. I used to have the older design of the PS2 like in the video. I loved playing Crash Twinsanity, Ratchet Deadlocked, Jak and Daxter, and a lot of other fun games. c: Then my PS2 broke, so I got the newer one. Then I started playing KH, Sonic Unleashed, and now I'm playing the Megaman Anniversary Collection on it. PS2 is so fun.
  5. So whadya think about Twilight becoming a alicorn? I think it's alright, I can't wait to see how Season 4 will turn out!
  6. We need some music up in here. 8D http://youtu.be/fVtUziFKAX8&autoplay=1
  7. I've been good! ^_^ Life's still filled with lots of pony!
  8. How you doing? I got evil plans up my sleeve, muahaha! >
  9. Your drawings are fantastic! Nice picture of Ruby, great job!
  10. That would cool! He'd be a great and funny character to be in KH. I wanna rewatch A Very Goofy Movie now.
  11. SHAME ON YOOOOOU GO PLAY IT RIGHT NOW! In the games, if Megaman ever runs into spikes he immediately dies. And Sonic is very spiky since he's a hedgehog! Get it?
  12. I remember watching Rescue Rangers, good times. x3 I never saw Ducktales but the theme is awesome.
  13. http://www.deviantart.com/art/SSB-Walking-Death-Spikes-379109496
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