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Crisp Cucumber

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Everything posted by Crisp Cucumber

  1. Wow, only ten minutes and you draw something so amazing! All I can draw are stick figures! And they suck reaaaaallly bad. Fantastic job!
  2. Congratulations, Sora96! You've been doing a great job keeping the site awesome
  3. I like Lets Plays better. It gets boring just watching the game and not listening to anything except the music in the background or the voice acting. I like Lets Plays where people don't talk over cutscenes, but sometimes it's an exception.
  4. Happy Birthday, Sora! Hope you have a mega fantastic day!
  5. That's hilarious. But shelfs come in handy at times, don't get rid of it! D8
  6. I can't wait to see this. Gotta go replay the games before it releases! c:
  7. The first one and the last one... I hate those the most. D:<
  8. I'm going to like this post tommorrow. Hope I don't forget.
  9. Argh, you lucky punks have a PS3! Dx One day... one day I shall get one. o3o One thing I like about PS3 is the fact that it plays Blu-Ray movies. c:
  10. For once I reached my quota and can't like this! D8 Anyway, this is an awesome idea. I wonder what will become of this thread in the future.
  11. Your drawings look fantastic as always! Could I make a request Eternal? c: Could you draw Luffy from One Piece in a cloak please?
  12. This is pretty good! Never played Cave Story before but I've heard of it! Looking forward to part 2.
  13. Nope, not me either! I want a PS4 in like three years, and by then a lot more games for the console will be out.
  14. So there's a new One Piece game for the 3DS that's coming out in Japan and Europe! But it's not coming to NA and that's been confirmed. Dx Edit: I keep trying to post the trailer here in spoiler tags but it's not working argh. -A-
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