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Crisp Cucumber

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Everything posted by Crisp Cucumber

  1. I've only cosplayed once as Luffy from One Piece with some friends just for the heck of it. It was just for fun, so we were missing some stuff in our cosplays.
  2. Sounds like a lot of fun, specially the Apple store part! Glad to know you had an awesome day!
  3. I started rewatching some Yugioh a few days ago, and wow, I forgot how cool it was to me back then, gotta go find some of my old cards. I started watching GX for the first time as well and I'm loving it so far. c:
  4. This song is just soooo amazing. x3 Hurry up October! D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UAVfu126AY
  5. I find both of them enjoyable and fun to play.
  6. I'll probably reply a game in a couple of months. But if it's something I really like, maybe a couple of weeks.
  7. If it's a game I really like and I have the time, then yeah, I'll complete them 100%.
  8. Whoops, read that wrong, my bad! D8 Well, time to go google search the entire story of Sonic 4, since I don't know everything that happened. o3o
  9. Generations sold more? Didn't know that, yet that's not surprising. And yeah, it's pretty much Sega vs Nintendo people still argue about. I mean, seriously, is there really a big difference if a Sonic game is on a Nintendo console? Most of them haven't even tried the games and say they're bad, which is just ridiculous. I loved the Sonic Rush games and Sonic Colors, they're really great games. Also, I've heard about the Sonic 4 and Sonic 1 stuff, it's astonishing what people said. ._.
  10. I agree with all that you said. The game looks amazing! I really don't understand why the "fans" get so crazy about the game being on a console/handheld that they don't like or prefer. Just because it's on something they don't like, the game is automatically going to be horrible. It's like the whole KH3 being on Xbox One stuff.
  11. Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  12. I've always wondered about these things. I guess we'll never know. o3o
  13. The Sonic fanbase finds literally anything to bash on, and it's ridiculous. They're still talking about the new voice actors and about how the previous ones were better or worse... it's been like three years since the voices changed, just stop talking about it already. ._. Then I stumbled across a Sonic forum the other day, and there was a topic about Sonic Lost World, and not a single comment there was positive about the game. The game isn't even out yet! Really? Just give it a chance for crying out loud. Then there's Youtube... Go through those comments. Seriously??
  14. Yeah, I celebrate mine every year. Sometimes it's just me and my buddies playing video games and eating junk food, or family comes over for pizza and cake.
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