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Everything posted by Hyper-Rushe

  1. I'm almost certain she is talking about the guardians of light and not actually new princesses of heart. They need 7 hearts of light and if sora and friends don't get enough they will go after the 7 princesses or find people with a strong enough light to fuse with the 13 seekers of darkness.
  2. I doubt his master had true ownership of that keyblade so stealing it shouldn't have been too hard. He most likely took it when Eraqus was put in charge of the land of departure right before he left to explore the worlds.
  3. The train, teacups, and pirate ship are attraction flow moves not Keyblade transformation so they don't need to be connected to any specific world.
  4. Twilight Town isn't confirmed it has been hinted at. Those three are also not underdeveloped they just serve no purpose to the story beyond being friends with Kairi and having an inkling that Roxas exists, and honestly the most they could likely contribute right now is analyzing Ansem's data in the computer room which mickey could just as easily do himself. They have background importance like merlin and cid.
  5. Keyblades are self replicating and can only be used by certain people so it would be a completely useless skill. Also the only people that likely knew how to create keyblades are the 6 Foreteller's and their master and that was thousands/millions of years before the current timeline.
  6. I seem to remember Clayton being crushed to death under a heartless, and Barbossa being shot to death so death works just as well as any other universe. there just happens to be ways to circumvent it like becoming a Heartless/Nobody.
  7. I don't get people's hatred for this show. it's a kids comedy the original had moments that were just as stupid the only different being the first got "broody" and "dark" at times.All of the complaints I've seen is "It's not the original!" which isn't a real complaint. Honestly if you don't like the show stop watching it, and complaining about it will only get people to watch it to see if it really is that bad.
  8. I've never been a huge fan of the Vanitas returning theory but it is possible but I'm pretty sure Young Xehanort isn't one of the 13 seeing as all the seats were filled while he was just walking around. at best he'll be the new number 14 not a true member but useful to their cause.
  9. Xehanort didn't plan sora's victories he planned around them. He had multiple backup plans in case they failed he didn't expect them to fail, and the next one is his all or nothing plan.
  10. It is not about knowing how to fight it's knowing how to use the keyblade. Riku and Sora were both excellent fighters but since they couldn't use its full power, they were retrained also kairi has had a keyblade longer than Lea.
  11. the heart doesn't need to be strong in order for the original to come back. What you just described is basically a normal person that has given into his darkness and became a heartless, twice. The new organization has a small piece of xehanort's heart and are filled with darkness and they are completely normal, evil people. the nature of heartless, nobodies, and hearts doesn't really have room for "halfbreeds".
  12. Every time the seven lights are mentioned these two are included but, riku's main power is darkness, sure he uses it to serve the light but it's still darkness. Axel has the same problem too because his darkness is still strong enough to create corridors of darkness. wouldn't that disqualify him from the lights even if he is on their side?
  13. the keyblade of hearts is basically half of the X-blade, just without the 13 darkness, so anything it can do the X-blade can do better.
  14. I like to think that time in the RoD does what it wants and just fluctuates from place to place, so how long your there is different for everybody. That has always been my personal theory.
  15. In KH 1 we got something like a flashback on how they met, not a lot of details but easy to fill in the blanks. Sora and Riku were in the secret place and they decided to go see the "new girl" at the mayor's house.
  16. I would like to explore the rest of the island, if that does happen i imagine it will be similar to Traverse town, and Twilight town.
  17. It's possible. Yen Sid said they need to find seven guardians of light or else Xehanort would just target the seven princesses instead and with Maleficent in the background plotting something anything is possible.
  18. The darkness weakened Riku's heart, after he got used to the darkness and resolved to not be consumed by it anymore is when he got his new keyblade.
  19. Keyblade transformations might be Drive forms "replacement" they might not be but i doubt they will make a comeback. I mean drive forms were basically Sora's inner strength and potential brought to the surface, and the power from the drives bleed over to base sora's abilities. So i doubt sora needs to transform to access that kind of power. personally i see keyblade transformations as a fusion between command styles and drive forms. each one changes your basic play style and abilities so it is easy to see why people say replacement.
  20. I doubt drive forms will make a comeback that was KHII's gimmick, every game had something different from the rest. The new gimmick will likely be keyblade transformations.
  21. extracting hearts doesn't kill it just puts you in a coma until your hearts is returned so your first two "deaths" are very unlikely. the fragments of the X-blade are not "in" their hearts it "is" their hearts so nothing short of death or completely changing the timeline, impossible by their own rules of time travel, to change history will change this. Remember their fragments were taken before and they all fell into a coma so if it happens again and the X-blade breaks again then either the fragments return to the original princesses or they all die, like ventus was suppose to, and the worlds are swallowed by darkness as they are not protected by the 7 pure princesses. So your scenario is pretty much impossible. Plus switching out very important characters just so you can replace them with someone newer that might be liked more screams "bad fix fic". characters don't need special powers just to be important to the story.
  22. The armor and keyblade are two completely different things, it is just special armor designed to protect you from the darkness like the organization's cloaks. I'm hoping master Yen Sid gives Sora, Riku, and Kairi a set of armor. Lea and mickey still have cloaks so they don't really need it.
  23. Those two talking at the end i think it might be a young Xehanort and young Eraqus, what does everyone else think?
  24. Sora and Roxas have a strong connection to Ventus so most likely some of those memories leaked into Xion, she was also siphoning power from Roxas who has Ventus' heart.
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