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Everything posted by Sora-

  1. Everyone came for a Halo announcement and we all came out with Dragon Ball FighterZ
  2. First week : could have been better if I didn't run out of potions
  3. It's been a while since I posted here. My deck right now
  4. Star Wars/Marvel vs The KH Community Who will win the battle??

    1. Aru Akise
    2. Dracozombie


      Because no matter what happens, Square gets money from it.

    3. Aru Akise
  5. No one posted their achievements today, so I'll do it!
  6. I finally found a decent party!
  7. Sucks. Can't get the Collectors Edition of 2.5 in Belgium

  8. So, I did the everything to get the potions and the ethers, but I got nothing. Does anyone know why?
  9. Temas Leopardos I have been playing since beta but I took a long break for some unkown reasons lol. Now I am addicted to the game again
  10. I have a blue one, is it going to work on SR and SR+ cards?
  11. Meh, I have bad cards lol
  12. R.I.P. Kairi's panties. 2005 - 2014 Never forget
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