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Everything posted by Hanhopeff0013

  1. With me, it's just aweso :3

  2. Dreams are necessary to life. . . Dreams are the touchstones of our character. . . Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?

  3. I wish it would come here fasterO http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png IVE BEEN WAITING SOOOOO LONG!!!
  4. Watching your English teacher demonstrate the Hover Round is sum thing very unusual:P

  5. Hey, I just met, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe:D

  6. I saw a website that said pizza was a fruit:O what the chiZ!

    1. replika13


      well, popcorn is healthy so...

    2. Koko


      it's because of the tomato. but you'd have to eat the whole pizza to get the benefits of the tomato. but dont do that

      also popcorn is actually really healthy, just not when you put pounds of butter and salt on it

  7. I think the best thing ever would be if tht perfect someone would make me sea salt ice cream and take me to a tall building on the roof watching the sunset:) tht would be the best thing:D

  8. I think I pranked someone too hard on April fools. . . Now he is mad at me:(

    1. replika13


      yeah. that day is a curse if y ask from me :P

  9. Finding out that someone that you once liked a year just told you that they liked u then and now u may meet again, even if hundreds of miles apart is an amazing feeling:)

    1. Arya Stark

      Arya Stark

      felt the same way a while ago. Oh well.

  10. Saw a guy wearing a banana costume at taco bell O_o weird rite

    1. AnsemTheWise


      I saw the man in the cow suit at Chick-Fil-A doing a rockin' dance to no music. It's still the greatest thing I've ever seen.

  11. Ugh. . . I hate getting in trouble for being curious. . . Or opening my big mouth:O

    1. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      I just get into trouble by opening my mouth xD

  12. Have you ever wanted to start a flash mob in the middle of the mall??? Dude that would be beast:D

    1. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      Did it once. It was more embarrassing than anything xDD

  13. Have you ever wanted to start a flash mob in the middle of the mall??? Dude that would be beast:D

  14. Have you ever felt lik you don't have any privacy. . . I do all the time, especially when I'm texting, I don't hav any privacy

    1. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      They're watching us. Watch out.

  15. I got in trouble for laughing like crazy in biology:D . . . While taking a test:O but I still made an A

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      What's the advantages of sexual and asexual reproduction?



    3. Shana09


      Lol why did he need to know that? (I learned that this year ^-^)

    4. Hanhopeff0013


      Ikr:O why study this stuff when your not even going to major in that field.

  16. got "Kingdom hearts" on this Quibblo quiz: Which video game would you live in! My result for "Which video game wou... http://t.co/2ncSeo9b

    1. Obi-wan


      I got it to I mean it's obvious what choices are for it since almost all of them evolve Heart or a Giant Key.

    2. Arya Stark
    3. Hanhopeff0013


      If you didn't know I made that quiz

  17. Don't ever try the " cinnamon" challenge.

    1. Shana09
    2. Loki


      Yep. The cayenne challenge is so much better.

  18. I wanna go to Japan:O sooooo bad

    1. demy1077


      why do you want to go to japn

    2. Col.Random
    3. Hanhopeff0013


      Becuzz kingdom hearts is made there, and it looks awesome

  19. I wanna go to Japan:O sooooo bad

  20. I wish destiny island and twilight town were real. I would sooo live in twilight town:D

  21. Unicorns are real; the are two kinds, fat ones( rhinos) and aquatic ones ( narguals):)

    1. Kaiso



    2. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      A rhino's horn is on its nose. Unicorns are supposed to have ones on their foreheads. Also, they're supposed to be similar to horses, and narwhals are not.

    3. Hanhopeff0013
  22. Sometimes laughing to hard can give you a headache hahaha it happened to and nw it won't stop

    1. Roxie


      sometimes when I laugh so much, my cheeks hurt!!!!

    2. Hanhopeff0013


      When I smile a lot that happens:)

    3. Roxie
  23. If you keep having dreams about certain people, what does that mean for you and that person???

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      I suppose it depends on what's happening in the dream.

    2. Hanhopeff0013


      Well someone is just being friendly, but one time we were dating in the dream. . . Crazy chiZ

  24. My top 2 would be FF crisis core and FF13-2. I thought crisis core was super sad, but FF13-2 made me cry, and I hated going to Noel's dying world.
  25. Its proven that the more you laugh,the longer you live. . . I think I just put a few extra months onto my life today:D

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