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Everything posted by o_hay_man

  1. I really hope we get to dive deeper into what this is suppose to be
  2. aint even mad that this is coming out at least we know that KH3 is under works
  3. im alright with it just because BBB and DDD were great games to flow with KH but the reason i was waiting for KH3 really was because i wanted to see Dev Team 1 go back at the series that created. i alright with it just because we finally know that KH3 is on the way but kinda bumbed that its being made the the original crew
  4. now the real question is will FF Versus be there
  5. whoever produced this should get some sort of award from nomura
  6. whats up KH13 I finally got my hands on a 3Ds and KH3D (i know im late lol) and am having a blast with this game! i need some help tho i beat all of the levels so far with sora and riku except for TWTNW but i refuse to go there until im lvl 50 with both characters. im currently lvl 31 with both of them do you goes know any fast ways of leveling up?
  7. cause i was lvl 26 thats why he was so hard
  8. do you think they might of changed the whole battle system in re:com to be just like all the other kh games?
  9. So for all the time at TGS there wasn't one single person who thought "maybe it would be cool if i filmed the new KHHD remake trailer" i mean seriouslly all we got was 10 sec. of footage.... Was there really nobody that payed any attention to it or was there a 'no filming' sign somewhere??
  10. both xbox and ps3 are priced as low as $200 brand new, if you're looking for a used xbox its around $100 and thats if you go to gamestop but if your go to your local game exchange you can find them for as low as $90 (at least thats how low i got my ps3 for) it all depends on the comdition you want it dude. and i dont think many people are going to be wanting to buy a wii since the wiiu is coming out in a month
  11. even though all the consoles cost basically the same price range so even if you did buy an xbox you should of had enough money to of gotten a ps3
  12. once you unlock the secret ending you'll know where she's at
  13. my favorite CGI intro has to be KH2 and KH3D
  14. can we see pics of this gameinformer?
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