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Everything posted by Serendipity

  1. I think that Roxas loves Xion but only as a best friend like with Axel. To me, it seems more likely, that Roxas will end up with Namine.
  2. 1. KH2 2. KH1 3. BBS 4. Coded 5. Days 6. COM
  3. I think that (and hope that) the game will also show Sora saving Ven, Roxas and Xion. Spoiler Alert: Ven's heart is in Sora's now right, so he's sleeping. End Spoiler Alert: Plus the title of 'Birth By Sleep' can also refer to 'Dreams' which is the focus of KH3D. So there may be a connection?
  4. Everyone is so nice. Thank you for eveyone's welcomes ^.^ Thank you! That's really nice of you.
  5. The trailer was AWESOME, I want the game to come out soon.
  6. I'm currently in my last year of High school and drowing in homework.
  7. Hello, I'm pretty new to forums but I can't help but sign up because I love Kingdom Hearts. To be honest, I have been visiting this site for quite a while but I was always to scared to sign up, but it looks really fun being a part of a group who likes Kingdom Hearts as well (since none of my friends really play games.) So, nice to meet you guys. I'm really excited for Kingdom Hearts 3D and I find it really cool how there is World Ends with You crossover in KH3D. Btw I"m a huge fan of Final Fantasy as well.
  8. Stressing on HSC whilst being excited for KH3D

  9. Stressing on HSC whilst being excited for KH3D

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