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Yami Tsuki

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Everything posted by Yami Tsuki

  1. So...I'm not rushing anyone here or anything, but it's been two weeks now...can I have my named changed to Yami Tsuki please?
  2. So I try to keep my post on here just about KH, but for pokemon fans here what do you guys think of the new mega evolution?

    1. Cucco
    2. Shana09


      I found it odd at first yet liking how they look. Mega Lucario seems to have a sexy design, Mega Ampharos has a fabulous design, Mega Mawile has a badass design, Mega Mewtwo has a decent design and Mega Blaziken looks kind of cool. I am fine with them today though, now that everything is explained much for coherently.

    3. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      yeah, I'm actually looking more forward to these than ever before. I think nintendo is taking a big chance with these evolution, but i am all for this huge change

  3. Well 7 days later and here I am! I am ready to be reborn (renamed) into a new me! Remember my new name Yami Tsuki.
  4. Does anyone know how I can change my username on KH13? When I first made this account I sign though FB, but I though I could use a username not my FB name.

    1. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears



      You'll have to wait a week and confirm that you still want to change your name, but this is the place to do it.

    2. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      oh wow thank you :)

    3. Sakuraba Neku

      Sakuraba Neku

      yes you can. A lot of people that got butthurt already did it.

  5. So some of my friends are a lil sad that KH3 will end the Dark seeker saga. Me on the other don't see why this would make anyone sad. What you do think/

    1. Caity


      I think it's about time. We've been battling MX and his incarnations for ages, time to finish him off for all his douchebaggery and time for a new villain

  6. I'm gonna live stream myself playing Kingdom Hearts Chi beta....link will here soon

  7. Yeah, KH X [chi] trailer is finally here!!! I can't wait to play this again.

  8. If Sqaure Enix keeps selling these awesome KH stuff, all the money I worked so hard for over the summer will be gone before schools starts.

    1. Dracozombie


      But I'm sure it'll be money well spent.

    2. I♥KH


      Same. Square's plan the poor gamers.

  9. So I know so people think Kairi got her keyblade because she touched Aqua's in BBS. But I always thought she got it cause of the spell Aqua put on her. And then I hear it could be she was able to use it cause she hugged Sora when he was a heartless. Which is true?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HarLea Quinn
    3. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      so the answer is in the DDD Ultimania?

    4. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      I just told you the answer and where you can find it ??

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  10. So I had this weird dream about Riku last night, I'll try to make it short. Riku was at "Worlds End" fighting Ansem, after a good long fight Riku stabs him with his keyblade but then it was all trick made Zexion. The person Riku really stabbed was Kairi.

    1. Emo/Yami


      Isn't that pretty much what happened in Days with Roxas and Xion vs the Darkside individually?

    2. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      Yeah pretty much, only in my dream Riku pretty much killed Kairi

  11. So here is the question that has been on some people's mind for awhile, are they gonna put star wars on KH3? Me personally don't want it, but others say "do it". What do you think?

    1. Roxie


      I dont think it'd fit kh

    2. waytothexdawnx
    3. The_eternal_nothing


      i say screw all the over opinionated people

      (not you) and just let nomura do what he wants he hasnt really dissapointed thus far

  12. If they met in any Final fantasy charater in KH3 I hope they put in Zidane. I never finish FF9, but I loved him in Dissidia.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shulk


      Yep, that'd work perfectly. If Square pulled that, I'd be really happy! I think that with Gilgamesh, he should also make some kind of heroic sacrifice before the battle against Xehanort, like he did in FFV. He wouldn't die of course, maybe be sent to the Void or something. Also, a third character I'd like to see is Laguna. He was intended to appear in the Mirage Arena in BBS, but was taken out since he was also being put in Dissidia 012. I remember hearing Nomura say that...

    3. Captain Arrowguns

      Captain Arrowguns

      I doubt he'll make an appearence, but I want to see Steiner make an appearence. He can be one of the guards of Radient Garden.

    4. Dracozombie


      Oh man, and a battle with Beatrix. Beatrix would kick so much ass. Maybe she can even be the "FF character fighting in the Coliseum" for the game.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  13. So now we know a lil bit about the plot of KH3, what do you think about it?

    1. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      of course, there was like 1000 theories since the secret ending of KH2. Remember how everyone though the next game is going to be about a Keyblade War, in a sort of funny way the next game (judging by KH3D) is going to be about stopping a war.

    2. EternalReckoning


      yes pretty ironic :)

    3. Yami Tsuki
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  14. Here a good question for KH3, what do you think is gonna be the new song opening. I don't really what they choose,just so as long its no longer "simple and clean" or "passion".

    1. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      Well I hope its entirely. Now don't get me wrong, I love both songs, but after playing every side game, it got old....real fast

    2. Emrys


      something new!!!!!!

    3. EternalReckoning


      bring back utada! :P

      start with utada, end with utada, just this time a new song :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. So everyone is re-playing a KH game cause the announcement of KH3. Some play KH 3D, but I just recently replayed that and I'm getting KH HD 1.5 so I don't wanna replay any of those til it comes out. So between KH 2,KH Re:coded, and KH Birth by Sleep what should I play?

    1. OthersiderME


      i'm not. although that's more because i can't... i would be messing around with the gummi ship, though. Play KH2 and mash Triangle

    2. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      okay KH2 then

  16. so did ya'll read that, we'll get more information at the Tokyo Game Show and at Disney's D23 Expo. So mark the dates!
  17. All of the Kh3 news is beginning to make dizzy (in a good way) It's almost a lil overwhelming.

  18. Guys, I just wanna say good job Square Enix, you have finally redeem yourselves to the fan!

  19. So who is your most dislike character in KH. For me, its DiZ, cause what he did to Roxas was awful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      Yeah I dislike Vanitas, making look like Roxas was wayyyy to confusing

    3. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      Vanitas? Ventus looked like Roxas and Vanitas looked like Sora?

    4. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      im sorry, im meant sora, not roxas

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  20. So I just back from a trip and the first I did was watch the KH timeline. I have to say, it was very good, it even answer questions that I had and gave me information I didn't know. What did you think of the timeline?

    1. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      oh a bunch, cause even though I love DDD,the storyline was confusing as hell. It's because they introduce time traveling and I hate that time stuff. One question I had was that if all of ORG 13 was to become Xehanorts and those who didn't make the team was return back, where are the rest? I know Isa, but the others?

    2. The_eternal_nothing


      i dont understand the question where are the rest of the organization 13 members or who else will be in the new organization?

    3. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      im sorry i was in a rush when i wrote this. where are all the members who was chosen to be part of the real Org 13? Or is it all made up of xehanort?

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  21. I wonder, between a fight against Ven and Roxas who will win? My money is on Roxas.

    1. Dave


      No matter who loses, Sora wins.

    2. Oishii


      Yeah, but Ven would take his dual wielding from Roxas :P


      I would go with Ven since he learned how to change the keyblades form under Eraqus.

    3. Dracozombie


      Who cares? It'll be a cool fight either way.

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