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Yami Tsuki

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About Yami Tsuki

  • Birthday 04/19/1992

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  1. So I'm really happy that KH3D will lead up to KH III, however I think the new game will be called Reconnect Kingdom Hearts. After all that was the thing we saw in the ending of BBS.

    1. hatok


      What about the ending of BBS Final Mix, what with it's Birth by Sleep Volume 2?

      Besides, Reconnect is more or less de-confirmed.


    2. Sora96


      If Reconnect Kingdom Hearts is anything it's KH3.

    3. Yami Tsuki

      Yami Tsuki

      oh yeah, i forgot about the whole volume 2 thing. mmm well the story I heard (be true or not) the fans didn't really want more of BBS so after final mix they say it was gonna either a mobile game or a novel. again its just a story i heard. and as for Reconnect KH, you know how the secret ending in KH2 said something about Birth by Sleep, but people though for the longest time that KH 3 was gonna be called the "keyblades wars" well it turned out everyone was wrong. so im just think...

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