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Everything posted by FireRubies1

  1. So when Sora released his hearts he also released Ventus' heart. So did the heart wake Ventus up from his coma as Roxas or is Ventus still sleeping somewhere in Castle Oblivion?
  2. I really liked the Days system because I had to think. At the same time, I hate it because I can't fit enough spells and healing items
  3. I think having them for more systems would be a good way to expand the audience (and I won't have to watch the games). But of course..... there would probably be a lot of differences. PS Vita one screen vs 3Ds dual screen would mean that the Vita would probably have all the status things a bit more cluttered and 3Ds could have some of it on the bottom screen. I would really love for it to be possible but I doubt it.... unless maybe there was an option to hide things like your HP bar
  4. He is Master Xehanort that fused with /took over Terra's body. I believe his proper name is just 'Xehnaort'.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC5pGIx9WeE I was too lazy to make it HD. Games were Rune Factory, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Metroid Prime
  6. I think not using the pattern of a deluxe version was cool.... but I didn't like Black and White anyway... so pass
  7. I played a lot but I LOVE More Friends of Mineral Town and the Rune Factory spin-offs. I also love Sunshine Islands, Animal Parade, the SNES game, and Wonderful life (GC). I liked IOH, DS/cute and Magical Melody but I don't really come back to play them
  8. I didn't like how I breezed right through the game and then the final final final final boss was hard. I also hated the magic system (cure takes ALL MP no matter how much you have). I also felt like the Disney worlds weren't really important in this game. The characters didn't contribute to the story and the characters were sort of shallow. The Pete and Malificent's revenge half of the game was annoying and made them look pathetic (though Pete kinda is). The Disney worlds also followed the plot of the original movies instead of giving creative plots. The forms were useful and helped you kill enemies faster but most of the important parts separated you from your team members so you couldn't use them at a VERY useful time. The gummi ship routes felt more like a game instead of dodging stuff but got annoying, and even worse, they were important to 100%. There was also not a lot of motivation to me.... in KH1 you saved everyone from the heartless. In KH2 you look for your friends, got rid of "no body", and went home... the conflict with the pathetic Disney villains was not dealt with
  9. Deep Jungle. It's no fun . If I wasn't lost, I would be jumping, or doing stupid fights helping the gorillas that aren't that important. The only important parts were the beginning (arrival up to finding Donald and Goofy), the slides, and sealing the keyhole. I think that hunter guy could have just tried to shoot gorillas and Sabor at the cliff , become heart-less and the fight- The end.
  10. Axel at the beginning said "friends eat ice cream together" so Roxas didn't know anything about friendship past that. Translation "Who else will be my friend?"
  11. I came here thinking it was official and now I'm sad.... And I'm extra sad because I was thinking about pre-ordering it with the $60 I just got and I remembered I don't even have a 3Ds yet v.v
  12. 12- almost 13 when it happened. I have only gone through deeper voice and hair...down there v.v.
  13. I'm in for sure! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhmsBfjKSkI
  14. Ta-Daa!... it's new v.v http://youtu.be/uhmsBfjKSkI?hd=1 read the description if you get confused ^.^ 0:01 I wish I had used more clips with Terra
  15. The song is by Jason Mraz but the singing is done by a group on YouTube called 'Cimorelli' Whenever I try to watch a video on this site, nothing shows up
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTKYWEgt0_w Testing something *Edit* is it just my computer or do videos never play?
  17. It's a true Wayfinder. 1. It was traditionally made. 2. It didn't doom Sora to disappear from the light realm..... unlike Aqua's
  18. Name: Kingdom Hearts "I Won't Give Up" Category: Music videos Short Description: The first KH video I made that I'm proud of x) View Video
  19. So I just joined KH13 a few days ago and I absolutely love this site ^.^. I'm new....in a way to Kingdom Hearts (just got KH1 last month and KH2 a week ago). I know a bit about the story and I love most of the original characters. I am a huge fan of Ventus, Aqua, Namine, and Kairi. My birthday's in two days so maybe you could recommend a game for me? Or I'll end up with a 3Ds so I can get DDD. Maybe add/sub me on YouTube?- http://www.youtube.com/user/FireRubies1?feature=mhee ^.^
  20. Simple and Clean! I think both are amazing but I have to admit... Sanctuary kinda drags on for me.
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