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Everything posted by Xalaru

  1. I don't like overused names (like Jack, John, Josh, Hannah, Jessica, Katie etc.) so I'd end up calling my kids something they probably wouldn't thank me for. Probably any of these... (First names and middle names.) Male: Seth Caspian / Demarion Sean (or Sean Demarion) / Sean Ash / Matthias Rhydian / Bryn Arthur / Adam Jesse / Dante Vaughn / Lloyd Elijah / Todd Copper / Jaycub Steven / Tobias Bennett / Sora Ven (or Ven Sora) / Soren Axel Female: Riley Brielle / Robyn Arielle / Olette Noelle / May Rosanna / Bryn Aspen / Lea Sierra / Lola Kinsley / Kairi Xion Eh, I prefer guy names over girl names. With my luck though I won't even get married, let alone find someone-else who approves of these.
  2. I was already set to pre-order it, I've got money put aside just waiting. But the bonus makes it that much more worth it.
  3. I've never heard of him, but good for you I guess.
  4. Hmm, can't complain. Only a 3 day wait and we've played it all before anyway, not to mention us in EU got last year's KH game a week before US. Granted you guys got like every other KH game months before us in EU, and a MoM edition last year... but I'm glad they're finally narrowing the release frame between the regions down to a day or two difference. I could always import but that'd take longer to arrive than the one from my own region, so. Not to mention September 13th just makes me think of Organisation 13, so that's cool for us. Hopefully more games are gonna follow the lead of Pokémon X/Y and start doing worldwide releases. Either way, definitely pre-ordering. I've had money set aside for the ReMix ever since Christmas, and got a PS3 just for it.
  5. If affordable, just one, and that'll be the PS4 for Christmas. Maybe. I hope. Don't care for Wii U and never wanted an Xbox.
  6. I don't know how or have anything to do it with, so unfortunately not.
  7. Nah I never read them anyway. They were pretty cool to skim through if I was bored and had nothing else to do, but other than that they were just a waste of space/paper. Can't imagine many people actually got any use out of them.
  8. Only if there's a lot of it. I don't like shooting games because most of them are mindless and not story-driven at all... not to mention most of them are pretty much the same aside from controls across platforms. I'm fine with blood and gore to be honest, I just hate the shooting/fighting genre 'cause it's, well, boring. inFAMOUS2 has about the right amount, I like that one (which isn't shooting BULLETS exactly, but y'know).
  9. I dunno, monkey or a bear cub? Not that bear cubs would be in the Savannah.
  10. I didn't go. Would've been way out of my comfort zone and I wouldn't have had anyone to go with.
  11. Extremely rarely. Even when it runs out of battery it just goes into sleep mode until I find the charger. I just don't bother turning it off.
  12. I just think it could've had a better design than a black sheet with some red and white around it. I love the colours but the design just isn't my favourite. It's too simple.
  13. I've got something like over 50 uncompleted games. Just finish them when you want or feel like it, it doesn't make the world end if you don't do it in a straight run. Just play the games you feel like playing and you'll complete them all eventually.
  14. Dark's my favourite type but Darkrai isn't exactly a great Dark legend design, so I'm hoping Yveltal is at least primary or secondary Dark type.
  15. I prefer this Sherlock (mine. ), but the RDJ one is awesome.
  16. I'm not surprised. I remember I was like 9 or 10 when I got my first DS; I'm 17 now. Also have a DSLite. But I have my 3DS and don't use those other two anymore. Twas a wonderful gen of consoles though.
  17. 'Nah... I'd never play a game in a language I do not understand!' Ever. :L It's pointless. They're so much more fun in your own language.
  18. Today, but from nerves. Going on a plane for ten hours to Texas entirely by myself tomorrow morning (I live in England), and although I'm used to going there, I've never gone 100% by myself before. S:
  19. I'm not in America but damn I feel sorry for anyone affected by everything that's gone on this week. Hopefully nothing happens while I'm visiting (getting flight to Texas on Sunday, staying two months)...
  20. Playstation 4. I've never owned an Xbox system in my life and don't plan to in any foreseeable future of mine. Besides, KH is a PS game as far as numbered titles are concerned, and has never gone near Microsoft's consoles. Not to mention Xbox is almost entirely centred around the shooting/racing genres. PS3 has some real works of art on it (Journey, Heavy Rain, etc) as well as other games I enjoy (Sly Cooper, KH1.5, Okami, inFAMOUS2) and I expect PS4 will be just as impressive. I can't say I'll be buying one this year though. Despite Sony's claims that it'll be the lowest starting price of any of their consoles yet, I can imagine it'll still be out of my (or my family's) price range for a little while.
  21. Considering I don't even like the Wii U (and therefore don't want one), I don't really care if the 3DS is hurting the Wii U, if that's what it's doing. But nah, if it got some decent games released on it then I might consider one in a couple years. I'm not a big fan of Ninty's home consoles. I love their handhelds, they're amazing, and I DO prefer Nintendo to Sony... but as far as home consoles go, Playstations beat the Wii/Wii U hands down imo. In terms of games, at least. Anyway, I don't think the 3DS is harming Wii U sales. The 3DS has been out long enough now for whoever REALLY wants one, to get one. Anyone who still doesn't have one either 1. doesn't want it, 2. can't afford it, 3. is going to decide between a 3DS and Wii U, but will probably go for 3DS because the Wii U doesn't have a great library atm. Nintendo are really overdoing it in terms of remaking everything though. Not to mention the masses of Mario/Luigi games they churn out every month. I swear they just announced literally another 4 of them during the recent ND. I used to like the Mario series but now I hate it because of how repetitive they're being with it. I'd rather see good, new games with epic storylines than Mario titles remade over and over again.
  22. Ooh, something in England for once. Tempting, but I'm on a flight to Texas on the 21st, so maybe not.
  23. 'Another option' I'm not watching that video. d: I'm not watching any videos until they're on my own TV in English from my own game.
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