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Everything posted by Xalaru

  1. Haha yeah I saw this yesterday. Can't wait. Gonna see it in IMAX with my Dad when I see him (he lives in Texas, imma spending 8 weeks there with him from next month).
  2. Only with games I like. To be honest, I just love getting 100% trophies/achievements. That's good enough. I don't need to get 100% items etc. That'd bore the hell outta me unless it was a trophy.
  3. I'm in EU, this'll be pretty good if so. Hopefully NA and EU get it on the same day (I don't want NA getting it before us obviously, but I want us all to be able to get it on the same day, unlike what happened with DDD). Edit: @Josh, why *should* you get it before anyone-else? Surely you should wish for same day for everyone.
  4. LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D Nintendogs (don't bash it :C tis a cute game and better than the original one) Mario Kart 7 Er, I have a couple others but can't think of them right now.
  5. Damn they're really good. Personally I prefer PokeRemixStudio and GlitchxCity, but this is great.
  6. Yes... Farrrrrr too many times. The amount of playtime I've clocked up (or LOST, in a lot of cases...) is ridiculous. Only on handhelds though. Unless I'm lying down while playing a console game, then I'll probably collapse from tiredness and drop the controller.
  7. Soooo am I the only one who actually really liked the movie or what. I've never read the books, can't be bothered, but I liked the movie.
  8. Feb. It's my Birthday (02/02- gotta love that date), cold but not arctic temperatures, and the name just generally sounds awesome. Not to mention the Aquarius aspect. Second would be October.
  9. None. If there was a day between Friday and Saturday, then I'd choose that one. Half of Friday is spent in school/college/work. I spend all of Saturday dreading Sunday, because I spend all of Sunday dreading Monday. So a day between Friday and Saturday would be perfect.
  10. Yeah I've got a Mac. I just drag the photo onto the desktop then upload it to facebook chat usually ('cause that's where I tend to send these things). Just upload it to tinypic or photobucket though, then link it back here.
  11. Maybe in the US, but not in EU unfortunately. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kingdom-Hearts-1-5-Remix-PS3/dp/B00BJE37WO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1362248391&sr=8-2
  12. I'm in EU but I'm going for Amazon regardless of it being in shops. I never have the money or transport to go into town and get a game directly from the store, and having it delivered to you first thing in the morning on release date is much better. It's like opening a Christmas/Birthday present. d:
  13. Just... yes. Do want. o.o I mean the entire world is just getting lazier and lazier with all these new technologies, but I guess this one just makes things simpler, so that's cool. Though I can genuinely see Wall•E being the new Mayan 'Calendar' at this rate. We are so gonna end up like that, even if not in our lifetime...
  14. 'Yeah! I think it's better to keep them like it was back then.' Just reliving KH in glorious HD is good enough for me. d: The fact we get Final Mix is amazing, but I wouldn't want anything else to change from the games I originally played (not that us in EU ever got the chance to play Re:CoM). The music is half the series by itself. Wouldn't be right to change the originals.
  15. I don't play this but I'm impressed that a company actually listened to the fans for once. Good on them.
  16. This was just gonna bug me if I didn't correct you. While it translates to 'Dark' in English, Dark Type in Japanese essentially means evil/bad/trickster type. So really, ghosts are afraid of evil. Demons and such maybe? That's why Dark is weak to Fighting– Fighting is essentially the 'Light' or Justice Type, which would counter evil. Anyway, I can't say I've LEARNED anything from videogames, but KH has sure as heck made my life better.
  17. 'Any others'. I would've liked Final Fantasy but the battle systems are atrocious, I can't stand them. The any others would just be this one game I downloaded the other day called 'Quantum Conundrum'. Not really a franchise in itself but it's still a PS3 game of theirs, and it's pretty epic.
  18. Sounds easy, but hey, who can complain at free trophies. I'm glad each game gets them though, I love earning them so they'll really make me wanna 100% each game.
  19. Yeah, the keyblade seems a bit short and the face kinda makes it look a bit... odd; that person is probably suited better to a different character, but the general cosplay/costume itself is absolutely amazing.
  20. Yeah, I sleep most of the time... It's 4am for me right now. Since I left my school in October last year and haven't bothered doing anything else yet, I've literally just been hanging around at home doing whatever for the past few months. Tis relaxing. But I'm usually awake til like 4-6am then asleep til 4-6pm. Nocturnal ftw. But at the same time, when I was at school, I'd go to sleep between 3-5am and wake up at 8am (I could get ready for school in 15 minutes, so it was fine, seeing as it started at 8:45 and my bus didn't arrive til 8:25 or later). So I'm able to either have stupidly little amounts of sleep, or way too much.
  21. Well England doesn't have a Gamestop (not that I've ever seen or heard of, anyway), so... Amazon, like always.
  22. Yeah. Would be nice, even if just for Lea's sake.
  23. Well it'd be a shame to do that, considering many people would've already bought them singularly... If I already had all the HD Remixes (which I will, of course), there'd be no point in buying both of them again just for the sake of them being in the same disc. So no, wouldn't buy it unless there was some huge exclusive or bonus to go along with it.
  24. I thought it would be July to be honest. Not that I'm sure why that's an option on the poll, considering July is the middle of summer (June/July/August) and nowhere close to Autumn, but still. Either way, I don't really mind what the date is. Just as long as EU/NA get it same day (and hopefully AU too).
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