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Everything posted by syrupforthejester

  1. I just realized how little time I have left of freedom... D': This is horrible! This website is my procrastination station! WYTEGHBFUEWRHVBVEIYRHEUIBEJIHBEJUHVBREJUHRBVEJURHBVEJUHRBEJ
  2. Same here. I like how they didn't do every single thing in the book and had slight freedom. And it was actually slightly humorous (sorta) unlike the books where there's like no humor. My friend took me to see the midnight showing (we went for free, because her friend is the manager. I told her I wouldn't pay to see it because they might butcher the books) and I was surprised that it was pretty good
  3. I won't stop refreshing the homepage of this site till I get an English trailer

    1. Sora96


      Wait till after the Japanese version is released.

    2. Kishira


      That poor F5...it's gonna get tore up. xD

  4. *jumps up and down* TRAILER! TRAILER! TRAILER! TRAILER! Please, Square?
  5. Saving up for a 3DS. My dad said he was gonna get one for my birthday....guess who got trolled My friend gave me her DS when I got Days so I could play it. But she stole it back so SHE could play Days.
  6. I'm going to hide in a cave, hidden deep in the forest, for 5 months.
  7. when I was playing Days, I dropped the DS and ran away crying cuz I didn't wanna fight Xion...my friend finally made me do it, but I was crying the whole time.
  8. Days and BBS, those are the two I've been playing for the past couple of weeks http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  9. Japan, I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much as to torture me so
  10. Dude...If that happened...I wouldn't be able to contain myself and I would scream my head off O_O
  11. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  12. she did! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png i didn't even know that! i always thought it was alyson... some devoted kingdom hearts fan i am....
  13. bahahaha my friend says that too but i thought that roxas, xion, namine, aqua, terra, and ven all had to be saved o.O so...now i'm confused! if roxas just stays sora, how is he going to be saved?
  14. true, true. but this is just my opinion. i like her more in the first KH than in the second. but why do people keep saying that Alyson Stoner is no Kairi when she was Kairi in the first place? o.O
  15. you think he'll try to save Roxas and Xion? that's what I thought he would try to do. but then I figured it'b be kinda hard to save someone no one remembers... THAT would be hecka awesome! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png
  16. that's actually a really cool view on it. thanks for pointing out that that's a totally different scenario that was cool. but i never even considered that. like sora being in a horrid situation and then he stays like that until KH3. that would definitley have me on my hands and knees, begging Nomura to hurry it up already. nah, i thought that Nomura pointed it out too much for it to be just a Heartless, Dream Eater, or Nobody. it HAS to be something huge and uber important, right?
  17. *le sigh* yeah his back story was pretty sad, though... i wonder if that hooded guy with the red eyes could be vanitas makes sense, actually.
  18. or....x-blades! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png which basically is a keyblade, but spelled different
  19. terranort: welpz, gotta take a nap to go trash their lives. should be fun. but i wouldn't expect terranort to count sheep as he goes to sleep 0.o what would he count?
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