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Everything posted by KairiChristian

  1. Hey everyone! Sorry its been so long. I hope everyone is alright!

  2. I just want to say Christians are not perfect. We are just like every nonchristian except we have the love and grace of mercy from Jesus Christ. We sin like you but we are forgiven. I am fed up about how people expect us to be perfect. Jews, Buddhist, and any other religion aren't perfect so don't assume that Christians are.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KairiChristian


      Sorry, I just had to say something.

    3. Kinode


      I only have problems with christians when they say stupid things about other people. But I try not to judge them by their religion, many of my friends are christian and I love them because they respect me.

    4. KairiChristian


      Good, because we have no right to judge anyone. It is always up to that person about what they believe.

  3. I just really like this song. It gives me hope.

    1. KairiChristian


      This is the song. Sorry about that!

    2. A mystery

      A mystery

      I love this song too. Superchick is a good band.

    3. KairiChristian


      They are one of my fav bands! :)

  4. I found this randomly and thought it was Amazing!!!! who knew Namine could be so cool? Whatch the video and give me your thoughts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=O6fH351uHWw&feature=endscreen Ps. I have no idea why they are fighting. Does anyone?
  5. Hello! :) I just feal happy so I hope other people are happy too!!

  6. Hello!!! I'm new too, so its nice to meet you!
  7. Hey, I just had a fight with my sister about witch song is better, Simple and Clean or Sanctuary?
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