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Sir Patick

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About Sir Patick

  • Birthday 06/03/1996

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  1. Why am i not enjoying the KH3D demo? So far the only part i liked was the Meow Wow at the end, that thing is just downright adorable.

    1. LightningXIII


      Cause it's only 5 minutes. And it just makes us want to play the full game! Oh, and playing it 30 times can get overwhelming :/

    2. Sir Patick

      Sir Patick

      Well, thats a good point, but i noticed that the boss battle with Hockomonkey was really underwhelming, all i did was ability spam and he fell before he could even break the glass floor, but thats probably just because i beat him millions of time. That and im not really that big a fan of the new districts, they hardly fit Traverse Towns calm feel in my opinion.

    3. Weiss
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