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Everything posted by WakelessDream

  1. "The three of us will always be one" I think aqua says that...All three of them are the main character, you can't have one without the others
  2. Lol Nomura logic at its finest haha.
  3. You two are right its slower just like my thought process when it comes to these things ahaha...so whoops made a mistake how does it even make sense to flow faster it doesn't haha.
  4. Haha zelda and kingdom hearts? two of my favorite game series, I think it would be interesting though I wonder if Sora would think Link is a mute or something haha I mean the guy rarely talks all he does is make battle cries ;P But as interesting as that might be I think the Zelda world and the Kingdom Hearts world should stay separate from each other they both have their own unique flare that I don't think would be the same if they were to have a cross over with each other.
  5. This is why Davy Jones and his heart problems would go in so fittingly to KH haha.
  6. haha I wrote the post then I had to think twice about it...after that I just started confusing myself but I think we all get the point. Time isn't the same in the RoD as it normally is in other places. Bleh I'm just confusing myself even more now :wacko:
  7. I was laughing so hard the first time I saw that scene that my cousin told me to shut up. Now whenever I beat Demyx its like alright now time for goofy to die I always laugh at that scene whenever I play KH2...but to my dismay a cutscene or two later hes alive and well
  8. After studying for my final for four hours straight after I woke up, I decided "okay after this I'll play FFXIII-2"...four hours later my bro comes home with his friends and they commandeer the 360 for what seems like forever D: there go my plans )':

  9. It's the opposite, time flows faster in the RoD than in the realm of light, so it would be like 2 days in the RoD would be 10 years in the RoL (thats not how it actually is i'm just making up numbers) But you're right it probably doesn't feel like its been a long time for her even though outside the RoD it has been.
  10. But Xion isn't a nobody she's just a replica created by Vexen, thats why she doesn't have a heartless, she's basically just memories. But since when does this have to do with Xion? It doesn't really ._.
  11. If Mickey, Riku, and DiZ could find their way to Castle Oblivion from the RoD, you'd think she'd be able to do it too, I mean it is her home world after all but I guess not. I thought she couldn't open the lanes between because keyblades from the realm of light don't work in the RoD or something along those lines. I hope she finds her way out though, one way or another, and I wonder what she was doing down there in the RoD for all those years,(trying to find a way out maybe)
  12. I honestly expected this to be something harry potter related haha. Anyways whats this book about well( Nicholas Flammel obviously) but what about him? I've never read it, never even heard of it until now ;P
  13. Usually Neku's the one that gets stalked haha. I'd let him stalk me Neku's cool haha, I'd probably stalk him back as well. ;p
  14. I always thought it was because he couldn't destroy the neoshadows by himself because there were too many, but the thing that doesn't work with that is Roxas has been annihilating heartless all throughout the game so a bunch of neoshadows shouldn't have been any problem for him.
  15. The background music is really interesting ;P and it only took them about half an hour to battle it out lol.
  16. I have a shadow plushie already I was wondering what that third design was and I was like is that some awesome looking dream eater? Then it hit me its an unversed how cute.
  17. Is this only available online? Cause it doesn't say anything about in store pick up ;o
  18. Never noticed that before, and here I just thought his name was an anagram for square ;P
  19. I don't really follow the comic lol. But anyways Zuko turned out to be one of my favorite characters in ATLA soo go Zuko
  20. Its been said time and again but I wonder what happened to his mom.
  21. There are really alot of moments in Days that I liked. Off the top of my head Xion's death scene, not because she died because it was sad...and the time Axel was explaining to Roxas about "pushing the wrong buttons" on girls lol...Oh and the time you go with xaldin to the beast's castle and its like one second he's behind you and the next thing you know, you see him pop up in the beast's room lol. And almost every scene with Demyx and his constant complaining, I found those to be funny haha.
  22. Oh hey I heard about this on the radio while I was going to school this morning ;P Looks like the new majority is going to be a minority majority.
  23. Meh I don't really mind his voice, I mean we heard him in BBS like what? once when he was preaching about something like "this world is too small" But I consider him to be a fairly new character to the games, so the voice doesn't really bother me. If his voice sounds like that then I guess thats just how he sounds, thats what I keep telling myself haha.
  24. Yea I always assumed he was talking about BBS too. I didn't know that this Diskin dude voiced Sai o.o; probably cause I never watched the english version of the shippuden haha thats interesting. So now YMX= Sai o.0
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