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Everything posted by WakelessDream

  1. Uhhh this has probably been asked before but where can I watch the latest episode(ep 6 I think?) online...I checked and I can't find it anywhere 0: Stupid final made me miss legend of korra today ):<
  2. Bought it for Ocarina of Time even though I have OoT on gamecube cause it was the limited edition 3ds
  3. So much nostalgia in one video haha. Too bad they don't show most of the old shows anymore
  4. I would never forget it, even if I tried I don't think I could forget it. I've got it memorized haha.
  5. So ventus is a pervy sage now? haha Namine can be Sai lol they both like to draw right?
  6. KH2 sora never got enough love D: you play as KH1 sora in almost all the games, even in say days when you unlock him on mission mode, I want to start playing as the Sora that looks his actual age again, not his shoe size(then again his shoes are really big ahaha) Heck, even in KH2 you could say you play as KH1 sora when he wakes up in twilight town for the first time, you know since hes in his kh1 outfit and all..but I think that would be stretching it a bit ;P
  7. Lol thanks a lot now I can here his voice preaching about darkness too. Seriously though that dude had such extreme views on darkness. And then when he dies hes like "my own heart is darkness" *surprise surprise* who would have guessed....
  8. Help from mom and dad ;P I need to start working or something though I can't depend on their money all the time...
  9. Well I played an xbox360 game with my brother about 4 or 5 days ago...other than Ocarina of Time...this thread has inspired me to go pick up a video game now haha. So with that peaceeee
  10. I agree it seems like everyone and their mothers are getting keyblades these days ;P In the wise words of aqua "one keyblade is enough for any franchise---I mean friendship. "
  11. In KH2 when Leon's like "I'll leave the rest to you three" and then Sora starts smashing the computer in Hollow Bastion. Somebody needs a course in technology for dummies ;P Oh that and in BBS when Braig flees the scene after Terra burns his eye out...he had this weird backwards ninja bunny hop going on there that was hilarious too.
  12. Two of my favorite characters facing off...its hard to decide so I'm just going to go by pokemon standards and say Aqua will win ;P
  13. Hi New, I'm Wakelessdream but you can just call me Roro...lolol jks Welcome to the site
  14. I rarely used D-links but there were a few times I used them sooo i'll just list the few I used: Zack Ven Aqua Terra Vanitas Cinderella anddd stitch sooo yeaaa
  15. After reading this I half expected roxas's "death" to be the you make a good other scene lol...guess not. Good video though ;P
  16. Hmm an announcement of Kingdom Hearts in the near future...thats music to my ears. Now the question how near is near future haha? jks I look forward to reading the full interview ;P
  17. I always thought that slide was just of a castle in general not RG's castle and not Castle of Dreams castle....like not a specific castle but since Kairi's heart was inside Sora at the time and her home was RG the unspecific castle reminded her of the one at her home world in RG.
  18. Oh wow I totally forgot about the ultimania, now I have something to look forward to tomorrow ;P Semi excited for the game SE will reveal hopefully its something good
  19. First one that I owned that I could actually call mine? Days for Nintendo DS First one that I played, albeit borrowing it from someone else KH1 for PS2. ;P
  20. Yea and I "died" a little bit when that happened too...Died of laughter that is! I know I'm a horrible person ;P
  21. Air tribe you mean. I know it has nothing to do with being the avatar it was a joke =0
  22. Yea I was talking about the nintendo direct trailer but anyways good to know they're new. I guess I got confused cause both the trailer and these screen shots have to do with gameplay lol o.o; But I'm glad we're getting more english stuff now
  23. Cool! Aren't these all just from that english game play trailer though?
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