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Everything posted by WakelessDream

  1. Cool beans don't know if I'll get it though I want to.
  2. "His power is very powerful" sounds redundant, but I'm sure you could make the same cases for DBZ too except maybe the tails. Personally though, I like Naruto better. I liked DBZ when I was a kid though.
  3. Well Riku's not on the list so I'm going for Roxas so ya ;p
  4. Google because it owns youtube A hobo with a 5% chance of getting inherited by a rich guy or Hitler two years before the end of WW2? Hehe i'm sorry I had to say it ;p
  5. I doubt we'd ever get a Re:BBS cause theres already a BBS Final Mix. All of the games in the series have either gotten a Re:(Insert game name) or a final mix excluding Days and at this point Dream Drop Distance.
  6. Maybe reflect? idk All I remembered about that battle was take this betch out so I can move on. But no he had to come back in BBS and I'm assuming from the trailer 3D as well.
  7. Windwaker was really fun for me and so was TP but I say windwaker, it really plunged me back into the zelda series when I bought my gamecube Wait on second thought I say get both, besides gamecube games aren't very expensive these days right?
  8. Xaldin, Demyx, and Sephiroth, but especially Xaldin. Also that ruler of the skies heartless in Days, and as pathetic as it sounds of late I've been having a hard time with Xion in mission mode In KH1 I would also have to say Riku in Hollow Bastion now I have the cutscene right before the battle drilled into my memory. For Re:CoM I remember Larxene being really frustrating but I don't think she took forever. So yeaaa.
  9. As I stated in the previous thread...just no! D: Its not that I don't like shooters its just that I don't like Kingdom Hearts+Shooters lol.
  10. Oh gawd if they seriously put halo or CoD or any other shooter games into KH I would stop playing it. I just can't wrap my mind on how that would work in KH let alone work well. But I'm guessing if disney had any say in the matter they wouldn't allow it, what with all the violence and blood n stuff ;p
  11. Uhh where are the questions lol? o_O
  12. Keyblade even though everyone's choosing that lol...um as for the specific kind I'd go with aqua's rainfell keyblade But if I weren't going to choose keyblade I'd go with the master sword
  13. Since this is a thread about theatrhythm I might as well ask, to anyone who's played the game how is the 3d and do you play with it on or off? I was contemplating getting the game too but I'm not sure.
  14. The artwork is so pretty. And I love photo #5 "Tron porquoi?" haha
  15. Ain't he just adorable? Jks this isn't my dog, I don't have a picture of my dog on hand right now but my dog was a toy manchester terrier and I miss him ;p
  16. I'll just recommend the very few that I've watched: Air Naruto Shippuden and Ouran Highschool Host Club and of those three I highly recommend Air ;P
  17. Basically my mom bought KH1 for my cousin as a christmas gift and asked me if I though he'd like it, I just looked at the cover and said "ew who would like this game about some spiky haired kid with big feet running around with donald and goofy with a giant key" Little did I know though that when I actually picked up the game some years later that I would be playing it and playing it again having a hard time putting it down haha. After that I kind of stopped playing KH though until Days came out, and that only furthered my love for the series and really got me back into it. So yea.
  18. Yea haha this game is obviously a spin-off because it obviously has nothing to do with the main protagonists and their quest to save people and save the worlds as a part of the overarching storyline whatsoever. No but I'm glad 3D is being featured in the nintendo magazine. Next thing you know people are going to go around calling KH3 a spin off too haha.
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