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Everything posted by WakelessDream

  1. Wow great job! All these unboxing pictures and videos for the MoM are really testing my patience lol, stop taunting us who haven't gotten our MoM editions yet :0
  2. Lol hella funny, kinda creepy too, but I love it lol.
  3. First picture just looks like naruto going into awakening mode lol Second picture: hey I see Konan's hair, but no I don't think its Danzo, its obviously Obito..well I wish.
  4. I think he meant mirage arena not marriage arena lol and I haven't looked too much into the game but my guess is no there isn't one.
  5. My first game was KH2 but I only played through Roxas's week in Twilight Town I was so confused like "what happened to that spiky haired kid with donald and goofy" later I played the first one and then Days and it all made sense, but days was the game that really hooked me.
  6. I'll watch the playthrough for KH3D when the mark of mastery set arrives at my house on july 31st, but until then no english playthroughs for me!
  7. Greece release? Hey that rhymes! Sorry if this is totally irrelevant.
  8. Mansex cause he holds power over nothing hehe.
  9. Wait isn't the MoM edition NA exclusive, so that means it would come out on NA's release date not Europe's.
  10. I know how that feels except unlike your friend she didn't lose her memory but I think she'd be just fine losing her memory of me it seems like that's what it's coming to. Drug sob stories for the lose D':
  11. Sorry I didn't mean to, but mine's painful as well, ugh I seriously think she's (psychologically) addicted to it, her rationale was she can smoke it around me whenever she likes just like I can play Kingdom Hearts around here whenever I like. I was like ugh no just no don't compare the two, just goes to show how dumb weed can make you.
  12. Thats a really controversial topic, its like for every reason why you shouldn't legalize it there's always a reason on why you should. In my own biased opinion, no I don't think it should be legalized solely based on the experience that I lost someone who I thought I considered a best friend to it. (No she didn't die) Just the relationship has been torn to pieces I feel will never be picked up again because of her marijuana habits. So yeaa
  13. Thats a neat way of looking at things, yes I love the instrumentals in all of the dearly beloveds, but I never made a connection between them and the characters ;p
  14. I was thinking about this today too, where Ventus's home world was it couldn't have been Land Of Departure because he was brought there by MX, and correct me if I'm wrong because I don't feel like pulling it up right now but, in one of the Xehanort reports I believe it says that MX took Ven in and found him while traversing other worlds and he also brought Ven to Destiny Islands (Mx's home world I believe?) idk...just food for thought I guess.
  15. Kanto and Johto, the newer the region the less I tend to like it but I love love love Kanto and Johto.
  16. Guess he didn't have that kid in radiant garden memorized haha.
  17. "I need more candy cane" I keep hearing that in my head I think twister's kingdom mix is getting to me D:

    1. hatok


      Nope, that's actually your bodies way of telling you you're malnourished. You should try eating a candy cane or two.


    2. WakelessDream


      :O but I don't want any candy cane lol..besides candy cane isn't in season yet haha so I couldn't get it no matter how malnourished my body is for it haha.
    3. MadnessBomber


      Eh, don't worry. You'll get used to it.

  18. Like most people are saying go by the release date, I mean there's a reason they released the games in the order that they are, personally I think for story telling purposes it would be best to go by release date. This is just pure assumption because I've never done this, but I feel like if you went by the chronological order of events everything would be too linear and things would be practically spoon fed to you, instead of you questioning and trying to predict the plot and stuff..so yeaa.
  19. So..what happens when the DS battery goes down, does that mean she fainted/died and when he charges it hes putting his 'wife' on life support lol?
  20. Ummm...like very hyped! On a scale of Mansex I mean Xemnas to Xion i'd say Xion (Translation: on a scale of 1-14 i'd say 14 in case that joke was really lame and nobody got it haha ;P)
  21. I usually just refresh the page and eventually I can get into the main page if I get that forbidden message ;P
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