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Kiyomi Hartz

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Everything posted by Kiyomi Hartz

  1. Studying for a test that will determine if I get into the colleges I want makes my head hurt X( I just want to play some Pokemon and eat some Hello Pandas... Also, apparently I'm engaged :P

  2. someone on here just reminded me of a character in Catbug's story :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sora


      Lala, look at her previous status, we're getting married :D

    3. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      I did not agree to this, and it is a minisode of the webseries the Bravest Warrors on youtube

    4. Lalalablah


      Set a date!

      Invite everyone!

      Giiirl you better hope your friends throw you a good bachelorette party!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Kiyomi Hartz

    Lea 32 bit

    sorry to hear that, hope I didn't bother you with this.
  4. I earned money to pay for my Pokemon Y, ate at olive garden, and got my KH 1.5 release event poster today! Today turned out awesome :D

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      Well, love yourself on out, dude.

    3. Sora


      Idk what that means Timid, but my love for Kiyomi is everlasting

    4. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell


    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Kiyomi Hartz

    Lea 32 bit

    awesome job! thanks
  6. Found a guide for you, could be useful. Sniper Wilds are at 10:22
  7. Woop only a few more days until I can get the shiny Giratina, then I'll have all 3 shiny legendaries from Diamond and Pearl :)

    1. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      Like my shiny Mew, I wouldn't trade it for anything :D

    2. venxas24


      Exactly. I'll figure something out though, which will probably be me borrowing a game without asking then trading it to me for a Patrat :D

    3. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      Niiiice. Evil,I like it :)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Yay my art stuff failed again. I'm so bored

  9. Yup. I was told I made my submission look like Tetsuya Nomura's drawing style too much. With my luck, that would happen to me.

    1. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      Eh, it's ok. If I had known that would happen, I would've just not done it and used those hours for something more productive. But thanks for the theoretical hug :)

    2. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      * wishes he could give you a real one *

      Maybe you can do another thing for it? Or is that not allowed....

    3. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      I think you can, I just don't have the time or tools to do one. I don't have a fancy computer sketch board, so I had to do it on paper, scan it, then color it. That in itself took 3 days.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. finished. I think my submission isn't that great at all, but I can't do anything more, so blah.

  11. It pretty much sucks, but here. No, I didn't take anything from official artwork, I did it all. design: http://fav.me/d6my75u on a shirt: available on many (almost all) colors of shirts and has name thing to be customized. eh.
  12. *Sigh* I've got most of my t-shirt submission done, but it looks like I colored it on MS paint (because I did). I just need a good coloring program and a sketch board for the computer, which I don't have enough money for, so I'll have to settle with an iPad and the ArtStudio app :/

  13. started the sketch for my t-shirt submission, but I don't know how I'm going to make it digital -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell


      I know you well, this I tell,

      your talent, strong and true:

      believe in it, with all your heart,

      and it will see you through.





    3. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      :D I feel so special!
    4. Philip Ellwell
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  14. I'm crying right now this is so beautiful

  15. only a few more hours until school's over and I can go get the game!!

  16. Can't wait to go get 1.5 right after school tomorrow!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lalalablah


      Aww :( maybe if this is a success they will make it a yearly ordeal and then you could save up for next year!

    3. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      Woo! hide me in a suitcase and take me when you go :3


    4. Lalalablah


      Ok sounds like a plan xD

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  17. Mmmm. Nothing like Trix and homemade brownies for breakfast ^-^

  18. As requested, Roxas drawing WHY ME on the wall in red. Hope you like how it turned out It's also here on my deviantart page: http://lunabenihime.deviantart.com/art/Roxas-for-TheTimidLight-398609828?ga_submit_new=10%253A1378530999

    © disney square enix lunabenihime

  19. I don't have anything to draw, and I don't have anything to do. Someone please send me a picture or a suggestion and I'll draw it for you. I don't even care if it's bears in space shooting lasers from their eyes, at least it's something. If it's anime, manga, or video game related, it'll probably be done faster, because I've practiced with that a lot.

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      optimus prime in an org 13 cloak xD

    2. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      I want Roxas drawing WHY ME in blood on a wall. ( NO HATERS )

    3. Kiyomi Hartz

      Kiyomi Hartz

      I'll get right on them! :)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Think you could do a Lea sprite from Birth by Sleep? ^_^ aaaaaaah didnt mean to do that twice, the website told me it didnt post sorry
  21. Think you could do a Lea sprite from Birth by Sleep? ^_^
  22. Kiyomi Hartz


    Sure, whats your username? I like your sprites ^-^
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