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Everything posted by Voxeril

  1. His memory could be tricked, he links Ursula with water, his mind could think he is in Atlantica when he escapes Monstro because of the water.
  2. You see in the trailer Sora fighting Ursula with KH1 Riku, I think its part of the Monstro dream. Sora escapes with KH1 Riku from Monstro only to be attacked by Ursula, seeing as it is a dream and dreams can be based of memoires it is not uncommon for them to overlap. We may even see other worlds crossing over.
  3. Im sure Dilan, Even and Isa will return. Isa will have some drama with Lea. Dilan will be with Aelus, and Even is very important in terms of repilcas so Xion. Maybe all four will return with cameo's. Heck why not have all four at once as a optional boss?
  4. Don't they keep their memories from their time in Org 13. Seeing as Axel betrayed 4,5 and 6 in some way they may not want to work with him. However they may be happy that they are now somebody's again.
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