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About Pikequeenl

  • Birthday 04/28/1997

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  1. just found out ill be in NYC during the launch of KH3D!!!!!

  2. so glad its summer!

  3. 5 more days of school! then cheer tryouts.... -___-

  4. just ready for the english game! no more translation messes!
  5. nice vid!!! i like it a lot...haha i love the song and the clips together...it just works out perfectly. please make more!! ^^
  6. wow! you are very talented! keep it up! ^^
  7. so ready for summer!!!

  8. tumbling tonight!!!! <3

  9. i dont like smosh that much...............................
  10. HEY! I'm not supporting google translate(ill tell u why in a sec) but you must also keep in mind the multiple forms of Japanese writing. For example, there is Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, etc. Each are used for different methods of expression within the language... just to clarify sorry ^^ But the reason je DETESTE google translate parce que de ma classe de francais. Our teacher showed us a video of a simple convo between 2 guys from English to French to German then back to english and they were like: Hi. You want lunch is? Salutations brother get the time Haha you can youtube it but our french teacher BANS google translate because of that ^^
  11. Personally, I think it's hilarious!!! But everyone is entitled to their own opinions(; He gives me funny videos I can show to my friends and I think his corny jokes are pretty funny in a goofy way. haha but you do make a valid point!
  12. *THIS MAY BE SPOILERS BUT IDK* Okay...with the "light falls into darkness" ....is sora going to become evil or something while riku prevails?? im so confused sorry.
  13. Please friend me(:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      protoman's right. everyone just talks to whoever they want. a lot of people don't even talk to half the people under their friends list. lol

    3. Pikequeenl


      ok thanks !!!! (:

    4. Pikequeenl


      ok thanks !!!! (:

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