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About woolfman1994

  • Birthday 08/25/1994

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  1. He only killed Vexen...? He manipulated replica riku into killing zexion because zexion was catching on that Axel was planning something and if he had survived CO things would of been very different in KH2. He SAVED Sora from Marluxia and Larexene in Castle Oblivion. He never manipulated Namine, he let her go she was Marluxias prisoner and marluxia thought axel had his back. I could go on... Anyway all those "Selfish" actions were to protect someone. IE his friends. Remember Axel was a nobody he didnt have emotions and he didnt care for sora while Roxas and Xion were running around as long as they were safe. What makes Riku and Axel so different? Riku did alot of bad things to protect Kairi in KH1. He did things that hurt people in Days. He killed organization members.
  2. Think you mean there were 10 hooded figures don't forgot the old coot . I agree with you Lea's part in this will be in saving Isa he doesn't know that Roxas and Xion can be saved yet. That face off will probably be one of the most bad ass battles so far if you think about it. Hopefully Lea will get a key blade like the bond of flames only that it has some sort of Isa's claymore on it
  3. I didnt ask if they weren't going to be friends. I asked if they were going to stay together all 13 of them on one world or not of course they are going to stay friends.
  4. What do you guys think will happen to all the key blade wielders? Will they stay together and form some kind of order of the keyblade. Or will they seperate into smaller groups and only come together at the end of every game? Personally I think it is the latter and that sora/riku will just come across one of them when they are going world to world. So the groups would be Sora Riku Kairi Ventus Terra Aqua Roxas Lea Xion Namine(Non Keyblade wielder) Mickey Donald(Non keyblade wielder) Goofy(Non keyblade wielder) Yensid...?
  5. At the end of Re COM it looks like he made it out with mickey and looked the same. Can we really tell that he was in the dark realm for long? He was pretty active during days. Riku's age always bothers me though. In my opinion coded didn't need to be a game and a story solely around riku would be better. Yen side knew people needed.
  6. play KH3D again. Its 7 guardians of light, not pure light. And in the game mickey counted riku as one of the 7 lights so I don't know why you would question him. He wouldnt kidnap Aqua he needs her to create the keyblade so why would he make her a prisoner? Kairi is under Yen Sids careful eye I doubt she would be a target for Xehanort either. Namine is one of the people who are suffering so why would she have this role? Mickey mentioned Him, Sora, Riku, the other three who were missing T,A,V but its under debate weather Terra will be considered a light or a darkness.
  7. So I feel like I have always been thirsty, I googled it and every thing that came up with " why am i always thirsty" was diabetes but I don't have any of the other symptoms. I mean an hour ago I urinated twice but I chugged a lot of water and I still dont have to go and this was the first time that I had to go so quickly after the first time. I always eat alot of salty foods so could that just be it. I am going to try to make a doctors appointment tommaro..
  8. Right. That part always confuses me. In the end battle when Terranort stabs himself I couldn't really tell who was saying it could work well with either of them.I also thought that in blank points that because Terra was Terra was there that he had some sort of control. If Xemnas wanted the other members to become controlled by xehanort why was he upsessed with finding the room with Ventus in castle oblivion? or why would he( if it was all just xehanorts heart) go into an empty room with just Aquas armor and keyblade, and talk to it? That wouldn't be part of his grand plan.
  9. But Terranort wasn't destroyed, Terra locked his heart along with MX's heart (for sometime) away. It would make sense if Terras body wasn't found but since it was there couldn't be a nobody version of regular Terra right?
  10. Correct me if im wrong but isnt the new org 13 of xehhanorts the darkness needed to complete the keyblade with sora being the 13th vessel after MX heart overpowered him? so there is some reason why it was named organization 13 right??
  11. KH2Axel: If you have a dream dont wait, act go it memorized? Days Saix: If you could save one of them why would you choose the puppet?... We Have to set things right. KH Sora: I dont need a weapon my friends are my power!
  12. How awesome was that episode? I saw tension building between asami and Korra. That battle between Tarlock and Korra was intense I'm hoping she kills Tarlock in the end using the avatar state. He locks like the same guy in her flashbacks involving Aang. What is everyone else's impressions of the episode?
  13. What? Xion wasnt created by Saix, she was created by Vexen.. anyway how is this giant spoilers? This is about days that was released in 09..
  14. Are you serious? really it was a typo it wasnt even that bad. Right. Which is why some people dont know who exactly the 7th light is. Some say Karir, others say Lea now that he has a keyblade roxas is shown in the opening summoning ONE keyblade(Which means hes not dual wielded anymore becuase its not the kingdom key). But others dont believe he is coming back.
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