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Sendou Aichi

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Sendou Aichi last won the day on July 5 2017

Sendou Aichi had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Sendou Aichi

  • Birthday July 27

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  • Member Title
    The Blaster
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  1. Man did we drink that dummy juice... must have tasted really good
  2. I can't wait until we get Noctis Returns: Final Fantasy XV. Jokes aside, this is already worse than how much they milked XIII, and it hasn't even been a year
  3. *points to my avvy* You know what I am about to say..

  4. I love how we both greet him with YGO related stuff lmao
  5. The fallen mod... DX

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. catmaster0116


      Awww DX

      Its okay, that Banhammer will forever have your fingerprints on it anyway xD


      thanks for managing KH13 during your time of service :D

    3. Felixx


      Shun never touched that banhammer 8) Unlike me! xP

    4. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi

      Yeah, you touched it for shit and giggles lol


  6. 1!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xiro


      That's not how factorials work

    3. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi



    4. Xiro


      Yeah you have a good point there

  7. Didn't Nomura say that about DDD as well? I wouldn't call it dark at all.
  8. When the money Square makes from it isn't worth the trouble anymore. In other words, when players will stop having interest in the game, which is likely to happen when KH3 will release.
  9. I had no idea that putting 'R' between Parentheses does that
  10. Honestly, I would be surprised if the game will turn out to be actually balanced. We are talking about the Osaka Team.
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