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About Ruoho666

  • Birthday 04/16/1988

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  1. Dark Yojimbo aint that hard, max stats helps alot and your Luck needs to be higher then 130 or your attacks will miss
  2. Sama, Mulla jäi ice cream biitti suorittamatta, ne on ihan mahdottomia
  3. Jees, eli kymmenen kertaa per peli! 100% Expertil ja Proud modella. + BBS Eli alkaa oleen jo aika läpi mentyjä ;D seuraavaks olis noi ds pelit hankittava.
  4. Naah, i played KH1 & KH2 bout 20times in half year I just have to check, if i have miss some news. Well at least we have propably FFX HD soon.
  5. Well, any news about it? Will it come in europe or is the content even the same? or is it only for the japanese fellas, like final mixes! New info on HD-remakes? ps: extremely KH fan from Finland ;D
  6. Whaat, do i get the one trophy: completin the game under 80h or having played 80h or more?
  7. Im playing Terra's story, im in Keyblade Graveyard screen before the final battle. Question is, after i beat the game can i go back if i save after the credits? I wanna complete the game 100% like the mirage area.
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