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Everything posted by xahanortlives

  1. 2 separate doors I think too, the DTD and DTL. DTD was locked in KH I. DTL is yet to be seen.
  2. The heart of Destiney Islands, duh. (*COUGH* block this, heard it all b4 *COUGH*)
  3. Depends on your tastes really. RPG fans, like myself, appreciated the card system and the encounter system. And also the ARPG fans are pleased too since you're moving around in battle choosing where and when to implement your cards and how you are going to do so. Not to mention the story, if you do not play this and jump right into KH II, you will be very confused. (Sora had to take a nap for a year? WTF?!) But yeah, I liked this game. Not my fave (BBS) but it was good.
  4. I was literally stuck on him as a boss for OVER 2 YEARS!!!...and then I thought, "Oh...yeah, I better fight this guy on a higher level than 14, shouldnt I?" Fail http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png I loved his weapon though, most unique of all the Org. members if you ask me. (Whiny and funny as all heck too..."Run, RUN AWAY!" )
  5. Love is such a strong word...I'd go with bff's definitely, but not love.
  6. Oh yes! I'd definitely take that as a music level ANY DAY over Atlantica!
  7. ...Whoa! FF X is up top so far? Kind of a surprise there...I'm with VII. One word; Sephiroth.
  8. Extremely happy that I now know who the Mysterious Voice is, and sad to admit that it is in fact Mickey. -_-

  9. ...YES!!! THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! Now I can sleep peacefully at night!...or can I? Yes, now I know the FACTS, and yet the facts disappoint me. It really made logical sense that Ven was the Voice...am I the only one disappointed that it is actually mickey?! But once again, thanks dude! U R my official hero!
  10. Ok, Mr. DChiuch has given me a ton of stuff that I can look through. (Thanks again btw! ) Could any of you help me out by possibly specifying what year this interview came out? That would help me narrow down my choices a bit more. Thanks!
  11. Very irritated that I cant find an answer to the following Question: Was there at any time an interview that took place in which Nomura states that Mickey is the "Mysterious Voice" in Kingdom Hearts, and if so, where online can I find it?...-_-

    1. Dream


      well, this sounds very confusing, type tht exactly in google, somwhng has to come up


    2. xahanortlives


      Thanks, but I pretty much already tried that and a million other things too...

      oh well.

  12. Ok, Ok, I like what I see so far. But could you please send me an actual internet link to what is stated. (www.thelink.com/theinterview, ya know.) You would officially be my hero for today if you could get me that. Everyone else is still welcome for input...ESPECIALLY if you can get me the internet link to what I'm asking!
  13. Exactly, but as stated above, there are some that say there was an interview with Nomura saying that in fact Mickey was the voice...WHICH WOULD BE REALLY GAY AND DOES'NT MAKE ANY SENSE!!! Does ANYBODY ANYWHERE have a link to this so called interview?!
  14. Oh, sorry not to clarify, but the Voice that talks to Sora in the first Kingdom Hearts near the very start of the game. Any idea where I can find this interview?
  15. This is gonna drive me crazy until I know beyond the shadow of a doubt who the voice is in KH. Mickey or Ven? The logical conclusion I came to is Ven, but some say that there was an interview with Nomura in which he confirmed that the voice was Mickey. I have searched cyberspace left and right, and I have found no trace of this so called interview. Does this interview even exist, or is it some random authoritative sounding excuse for some to say that their theory about Mickey being the Voice is correct... Someone...ANYONE, please send me a link to this interview (IF it exists) so I can see it for myself and sleep peacfully tonight! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
  16. Got to differ with you on that one. I believe that Ventus was the Voice. I'll do post a topic sometime this month with more info on why I think that.
  17. Of all the things in the Kingdom Hearts universe, I believe one of the most significant things that is given the least amount of attention is The Door to Light. As significant as the series makes The Door to Light to be, the entire saga is surprisingly quiet on the subject. The first time The Door is referred to is by the “Voice” in Sora’s dream in Kingdom Hearts. It is then referred to by King Mickey when Sora and The King seal The Door to Darkness when The King says, “There will always be a door to the light.” After the credits in Kingdom Hearts go by, Goofy asks where they should start looking for “that there Door to the Light?” Sora seemingly shrugs it off and pretty much says that they need to be more concerned about looking for Riku and the King. The Door is not mentioned once in either Chain of Memories or 358/2 Days. In Kingdom Hearts II, it is mentioned by Master Yen Sid once when he says that Sora is the one who will open the Door to Light, and then a couple more times near the end of the game by Sora and Riku. While Sora and Riku are sitting in the “Dark Margin” after defeating Xemnas, they both see a bright light and Sora exclaims, “The Door to Light.” And then they both walk towards it and end up flying back home to the Destiny Islands. After the credits roll, Sora and Riku have a conversation about where the door to light is. Riku walks up to him and points to Sora’s chest, his heart, and says “Here.” (I believe Riku was making reference to Sora’s heart here as being the key to opening the Door to Light and not saying that Sora is the door himself.) I personally believe that the Door to Light is the entrance to the “Light Side” of Kingdom Hearts as the Door to Darkness (which King Mickey and Sora sealed in Kingdom Hearts) is the entrance to the “Dark Side” of Kingdom Hearts. So alas, the Door to Light is yet to be seen and I, yet once again, am left with speculating about these things. It is quite irritating to me that a HUGE part of Sora’s existence, being the key to open the Door to Light, has been given so little detail and explanation in the series. There better be a treasure trove of knowledge concerning the Door to Light waiting for me in KH3D, or I just may go bonkers! Any additional thoughts and questions are welcome.
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