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Lexa Infinite

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Everything posted by Lexa Infinite

  1. Rain. (helps me sleep better) SoKai or SoNami?
  2. OMG, I am sooooooo sorry. I meant it to be humorous, not offensive. Please forgive me, I meant it to be a joke.
  3. Okay. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  4. Wheatley! Vanion (VanitasxXion) or AxeXion (AxelxXion)? (For me, Vanion!)
  5. No. IIIV <--Infinite Lexa - The Infinitismal Seeker. Fiery temper, sharp wit, and always says the first thing that comes into her head, regardless of consequences. Outgoing, always up for new adventures, and friends, is a bit overconfident, and overprotective of her friends. Rather enigmatic to her enemies, but always open for her friends. Weapon: Bond Of Flame++ ->Bond of Flame w/ black rather than red
  6. No secret ending, the stupid Roxas-ice cream line and no Sephiroth. That's it.
  7. It's Latin, silly. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  8. Vanitas est aeterna!!!!!!! Ut tenebris flammas adolebit semper!
  9. Thanks for backing me up! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  10. I never get any sleep anyway, soooooo......Nope, doesn't work!>
  11. That's cheating and you know it! >_>
  12. Vanitas: >_> There's only one explanation for this randomness. *tackles Sora* Sora: GET OFF ME, YOU FREAK! Vanitas: Got it. *pulls small object out of Sora's ear* Sora: OW! Vanitas: See this? This is the most evil thing you will ever see. Sora:0.0 What is it? Vanitas: It is a homing dart, created by crazy fangirls. The dart takes over your neurological system and- Sora: English! Vanitas: Mind-control. Sora:0_0 Vanitas: They've already tried it on me. They soon found out I could track it back to their computers and I sent them a nasty virus. >;D Sora: 0.o How do I know you're not under their control? Vanitas: Would I have pulled this out, idiot? *rolls eyes* Sora: Oh. Right. Vanitas: Your girlfriend over there is in danger, too. Kairi: How?! Vanitas: Have you seen yaoi? If you haven't....well, let's just say a certain percentage of the fanbase harbors a deep hate for you. Kairi: Why? Vanitas: They want Sora and Riku to...hook-up and you're in the way. Sora and Kairi: o.0 Vanitas:Hey, I didn't create it. They did. Sora: So, the fangirls...they must be the reason why all this is happening. Vanitas: I was starting to wonder if you had no brain, but now you're reaching. I know for a fact there's no way Xehanort did Malificent. Sora: How would you know? Vanitas: Because I would have blackmailed him so fast, it'd make his head spin. Sora: You really are evil, aren't you? Vanitas: *shrugs* Ain't no rest for the wicked. Which reminds me. *hands Sora a shoehorn* Hold this. Sora: What's this about? o_0 Vanitas: You'll find out. Oh, by the way, about your parents: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries! Sora: You jerk!!! Vanitas:*runs* Sora: I'm gonna-*runs after him* Vanitas:*sees a cop* Help! Help! *runs to cop* Tifa (the cop):What is it? Vanitas: He tried to molest me with a shoehorn! T_T Tifa:o_0 Sir, you need to calm down. Who did this? Sora:*runs up with shoehorn in hand* Vanitas, you get back here and take it like a man- Vanitas: OMG, that's him! Sora: What? Tifa: Sir, you're under arrest. Anything you say-*reads rights, puts on handcuffs* Vanitas: Weirdos like him need to be kept off the streets. T_T Sora: Wait, I've been framed. Tifa: Tell it to the judge. *leaves with Sora* Vanitas: *gives Sora evil grin* Sora: If I get out, Vanitas, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN! Vanitas: *waves, mouths* I'll take care of Kairi. >: )
  13. Organization XIII now dominates all!
  14. Hello, people, expressing my opinion for this article, and I might as well get this point out there before I get started: To the people who are saying "Oh, it's his opinion, don't freak out." : Just because somebody else has an opinion does NOT mean I can't express MY opinion. Any objections? (don't you dare send me a Ace Attorney objection being a smartass) Thought not. Well, here's my actual argument against this guy: The storyline in Kingdom Hearts is not bad, when you compare it to so many other games, in which there is little to no storyline, for example Black Ops or Halo. Yes, I said it. Halo, compared to Kingdom Hearts,storyline-wise, sucks. Halo's storyline is often repetitive and predictable. Kingdom Hearts (minus certain filler games) is always bringing in something new. As I recall, IGN has always given good ratings to Halo (correct me if I'm wrong, people). What the writer of this article must realize is this IS a Disney+Square Enix game. The storyline is going to contain characteristics from each. Also, another point to be made is that this is a whole new type of game: Two different companies coming together to make a game. Both companies are still working out the kinks in making the games (i.e.: what they can and can't do). This is going to cause some problems. Despite all this, the games have widely succeeded. Why, you ask? It's because people actually like the way game plays out and the storyline; so much actually, this game is a BESTSELLER and Kingdom Hearts I and II's endings managed to make it up to the laters Guiness Book of World Records: Gamer's Edition. Apparently, gamers like this game, surprisingly. Not to mention that it made #19 in the list of Best Games of All Time in the Guiness Book of World Records: Gamer's Edition 2010. Wow, that's right after Square's Final Fantasy, their biggest series. I wonder why. This is a direct response to this particularly irritating comment: "It's like Twilight for boys." Do I need to explain to you that this fanbase is dominated by fanGIRLS? The fangirls are infamous across several sites, but I digress. How is Kingdom Hearts in ANY way like Twilight? I happen to be a fan to both and have arduously read/played both series. Answer this question, with a reasonable response, and I'll take this back. I was also appalled by the comment about KHII: "Kingdom Hearts II, while a messy, unnecessarily complex game, managed to wrap up a lot of the loose ends by way of killing all the characters who were lame." Que? What is this? Obviously, the writer watched the walkthroughs rather than play. KHII was the first game I played out of the series and I got the plot just fine, along with several of my friends who also got the plot. The characters in this game were awesome. Well-explained enough to arouse interest, but with a lot of mystery left behind to leave the gamer wondering what their story is. However, I do agree with the writer on several points: Jungle Book would have been kickass, I still believe they're holding out Pixar for KHIII, stop with the multi-consoles already, Robin Hood=Epic. Kingdom Hearts could do with some improvement, but it's only small when you put it against other massively failing games out there: remember, this whole game series could have failed epicly when it first started and, so far, has had only minor parts. So, please, back off a little and give Square and Disney some credit. This is still a work in progress.
  15. *Vanitas and Axel appear* Axel: There's our target. Me:*starts hyperventilating* Vanitas: God, I'm so intimidating. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Me: *glomps Vanitas* AND I'M NEVER LETTING GO!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Axel: You're on your own, Vanitas. Vanitas: >_< God, GET HER OFF ME!!!!
  16. The combined forces of Vanitas and Axel now rule this thread!
  17. Vanitas: Wrong again, idiot. Do you have a sponsor? Sora: o_0 A what? Vanitas: A sponsor, moron. If you don't have a sponsor, you've got nothing. Just like your former relationship with your girlfriend. Kairi: Who said I was your girlfriend? Sora is a good person...and you're a womanizer. Sora: 8D Vanitas: Fine, then. I don't need your girlfriend. Girls in my fandom would pay for me to even consider them for a relationship. Anyway, I've got a sponsor from Organization XIII. Sora: My best friend's leader of Organization XIII! Vanitas: ORLY? Sora: You bet! *calls Riku* Hey, Riku. I need a sponsor for my new band....What do you mean "Xemnas said no chance in hell"!? Vanitas:*ROFLMAO* Sora: >_< Riku, I'll call you back. *hangs up* That's it, Vanitas, I'm kicking your ass. Vanitas: Like you "kicked" Xemnas's ass. Please, spare me from you and your pathetic attempts. Sora: *summons Kingdom Key* Vanitas:*stares longingly at it* Where...did you get that? Sora:o.0 What? Vanitas: Sora, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you. *summons Void Gear* Sora: A Keyblade! Vanitas: Kid, you haven't seen Keyblade yet.
  18. You know you fail a Kingdom Hearts when: The first time you play KHII, you think Yen Sid is DiZ in disguise.
  19. Xemnas returns. "Oh, and there's something else you might want to know...." "What?" Sora said. "You have a twin brother named Vanitas. He looks exactly you, except with black hair and gold eyes, and he's stealing all you fans." Xemnas looks over Sora's shoulder. "..And is currently hitting on your girlfriend. Well, goodbye!" Xemnas opens a dark corridor then leaves.
  22. I'm bored. Let's see how long we can keep this story going! RULES: Mild swearing only. NOTHING rated M, plz. Crack pairings, only. KH characters only; No OCs. Be random as possible. Have fun! I'll start it off. In Destiny Islands, Sora and the gang has just returned from adventuring. "It's so great to be home." Sora said, leaning against the paopu tree. "Nothing's changed." "Yep."Riku answered. Suddenly, a dark corridor appears in front of the two. Out walks the Superior of Organization XIII, Xemnas. "No way, we defeated you!" "That's what you thought, Sora. What you really defeated was a Replica of myself. Now, Riku, I come bearing some shocking news..." Xemnas grimaced. "What, you had a relationship with your second in command?" Xemnas glared at him. "Here." Xemnas hands him a sheet of paper. "What is this?" "Riku....I AM YOUR FATHER." Riku stared at him. "No, you're not." "Oh, yes, I am, unfortunately....and your mother is....Listen, I was hiiiiiiiiiighly intoxicated and...just read it." Xemnas said. Riku looks at it. "Father...Xemnas....Mother......Malificent!" Riku gave him a bewildered look. "WHAT # WERE YOU SMOKING!?!!!" You guys continue it from here! (Yes, I know this idea came from a comic, don't flame me; my mind is fried from math class)
  23. I'm sorry, I can not resist : (Setting: Where Nothing Meets) MX: *loving highest chair* http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Xemnas: *thinking* WAIT A MINUTE! MX: What is it, Xemnas? Xemnas:Get out of my chair, jerk! MX: Hey, I created you! Xemnas: My castle, my chair! MX: That was an accident! Ansem: T_T YMZ: Will all of you shut up? I'm trying to think. Xem/MX: Age before beauty! Ansem: *facepalm* Xemnas: What's your problem? Ansem:You are all idjits. Xemnas:At least I don't run around possessing 15 year olds and putting them in skirts. MX: *coughs* Ansem:At least my name isn't an anagram of Mansex. *PAUSE* LexaIIIV:Oh, no. Ansem just broke out the classic Mansex joke. God help us. *GO* Xemnas:What...did you say? Ansem:You heard me....Mansex. emnas:*starts epic fight* YMX:Stop you two, for the love of KH! MX:I'm in charge, I'll tell them to stop. Stop, you idiots! (ignored) YMX:*laughs* You got nothing, old man. MX:*flips his lid* I DON'T CARE IF IT BREAKS THE SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM, I'LL KILL YOU! YMX:*facepalm* MX:*summons Vanitas* Kill him! Vanitas: You want me..to kill you? -__- MX:Not me, him! Vanitas: But he is you. MX:I don't care! Kill him! Vanitas: -__- I don't get paid enough. YMX:I'll give you a pay raise! Vanitas: I'm with him. MX:TRAITOR! *breaks into fight with V/YMX* Half an hour later.... Battle Results: Ansem kills:0 Xemnas kills:0 MX kills:0 YMX kills:0 Vanitas kills:4 Vanitas: Hey, he started it with me! :ph34r: LexaIIIV: o.0 The hell, Vanitas, you were supposed to let THEM fight, not you Vanitas: *shrugs* Renegade for life. .
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