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Lexa Infinite

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Everything posted by Lexa Infinite

  1. That happened to me...except it was my sister (I HAD NO IDEA WHAT FINAL FORM WAS). I immediately grabbed the controller and started freaking out.
  2. I thought that, too. Almost everyone thinks that Sora is gay. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png I can disprove this in one shot: Does anyone remember a certain cutscene from KH2? The second time you visit Halloweentown after you defeat the boss? Youtube-it people.
  3. God, I love Coldplay. I plan on making Viva la Vida my next vid. The lyrics are perfect for Kingdom Hearts. Case-and-Point: One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png You like what? Me gusta Kingdom Hearts!
  4. Kicking in the backseat (try headbanging in the front seat, DOES NOT WORK). Sora or Vanitas?
  5. Oh, my god, what have I started....? +_+
  6. It's alright. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  7. Sora walked in. "Vanitas, why are you here? This is a Kingdom Hearts II set, not 3DS or BBS?" "I know that." Vanitas said, smirking. "Apparently somewhere in your contract, you agreed to a stunt double? Well, here I am." Sora smacked his forehead. "I do not remember anything about a stunt double." Vanitas laughed. "Kind of obvious, isn't it? You even forgot about that red-haired twit...Kairi, isn't it? Wow, forgetting about your girlfriend, that's a step up. I thought Ven was an idiot, but, good God, Sora, you really are a moron." Sora's face went red. "Oh, getting mad, are we? Does it hurt because it's true, Sora? In my opinion, I think I would be better for Kairi." Vanitas said. "Vanitas, I don't think you should do that..." Ventus said, wary. "I'll do whatever I please, idiot." Vanitas snapped at Ventus, then returned to Sora. "So, what are you going to about it, Sora? Oh, wait, don't answer that: You're gonna demand I take it back, and, when I don't, you're going to attempt to beat me with the Keyblade. I don't think so loser. Honestly, I could take every person in this room and win." LexaIIIV: Yes, people, I know its a KHII redux. Sorry for temporarily controlling your character,Rixku, I promise not to do it again. Well, I know leave Vanitas's fate up to you guys.
  8. I'm making a video using Pinnacle Studio 14 and I can't figure out how to recolor anything. Mostly I'm trying to recolor Kairi's hair/eyes from the intro to KH2. I've tried Google-ing it but I can't get any help. Suggestions?
  9. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
  10. Donald. Master Xehanort or Master Eraqus?
  11. I'm going to be Vanitas! Vanitas watched the red-haired man leave the set. "Well, Axel," Axel turned toward Vanitas. "It looks like you had fun." Vanitas grinned. "You know, you're a jerk." Axel replied. "It's one of my better qualities." Vanitas propped his feet on the back of another cloth chair in front of him. "Hey, that's my chair!" Axel said indignantly. "Whatcha going to do about it, idiot?" Vanitas said.
  12. Sephiroth. Demyx. The Vanitas Remnant. 'Nuff said.
  13. Exactly what I was thinking. It would be almost exactly like changing party members in KH2.
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