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Lexa Infinite

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Everything posted by Lexa Infinite

  2. Hey, what am I, chopped liver? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png^_^http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png I'll miss you, too.
  3. Seems like you need a friend? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png I've dealt with some really bad, I mean, REALLY, bad times too. If you want to...I could help. I've been bullied for a good 3/4 of my life. If you want somebody to help ya out, whether it be cookies and hugs to coming to wherever you are and taking a baseball bat to whoever's messing with your life, I'm there.
  4. What, no impending battle? Fine. I'm going to keep out my blade, just in case....never know...
  5. I don't think so. *still has Bond of Flame out* Me and Xoncron come as a package deal. Mess with one, ya get the other.
  6. I just realized something...we should have called in the Superior....*slams head in keyboard*...well, I can see a lot of paperwork describing WHY I used my Seph. summon....'^__^
  7. Well, d*mn....T_T I used my Sephiroth summon for nothing....D*MMIT! Oh, well, I still have a few aces up my sleeves for the next battle, whenever that might happen.
  8. We're friends. Loyalty is one of the things I hold above all else....Which is why I'm going to kick Golden's a- SON OF A B!TCH.....
  9. Alright, then! *summons Bond of Flame* Time to use my One-Time Summon: SEPHIROTH!!! *play theme* Admit it, you're scared sh!tless. Oh, give me a break, ya freakin' Mary Sue.
  10. NEVER! As long as the connections remain in our hearts, we shall be eternal. Xoncron, you ready for the ultimate showdown!?! We must resurrect all of who have fallen!
  11. Are you referencing the Shadow the Hedgehog Androids?
  12. Hey, just to let ya know, I am, in fact, a Nobody. Please, if you must make a post associating me with a side, associate me with the twilight of Inbetween, otherwise known as Nothingness. Thank you, and may the odds be ever in your favor. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  13. COOKIES!!! Favorite kind, people? I like chocolate chips.
  14. Sh!t, did I say 2:15? I meant 12:15.....FAIL, LEXA, FAIL!
  15. Yeah, my gmail keeps on spamming me...I have an idea, everyone, try to post at 2:15 at the same time.....Post the most random thing you can think of, 'kay? I'm bored, so let's try.
  16. God, I need some inspiration....
  17. ....http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png.....I'm soooo bored....
  18. Somebody, give this guy a cake!
  19. It's from Portal. Can you spell "Google"? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
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