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King Mickey

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Everything posted by King Mickey

  1. i was just hoping that when i bought the game, i would be able to see what happened to sora after he jumped off the bell tower haha
  2. http://kh13.com/vide...2-2011-trailer/ watch the trailer, there are several thing in this video that never happened in the game, why is this?
  3. do you need to buy anything besides getting free McBoot? like do you still gotta buy swap magic discs or anything?
  4. thanks a bunch, this really does help! you da best haha
  5. but arent all the menues, commands and everything in japanese?
  6. is it difficult playing with all japanese text? im still undecided whether its worth it where do you buy swap magic and a flip top? i cant find em on amazon
  7. yeah i know they are quite similar to the original versions of the game but they seem like they would add some fun to the games i already love
  8. they are kinda expensive, plus i would have to buy a japanese ps2, do you think its worth it?
  9. Wheres the best place to buy/order BBS final mix? Im looking to spend as little money as possible haha, any advice?
  10. i cant decide between the poster set or the cards! idk what to do
  11. Club nintendo just announced their gold and platinum rewards. Did you get enough coins to redeem a prize? If so, what will you be getting? https://club.nintendo.com/elite-status-gifts.do
  12. I am waiting for the english version of KH 3D to come out. That means i dont want to see any videos or hear any spoilers or anything like that about the game, will i still be able to visit this website after the japanese version comes out?
  13. got my ps3 set up in my dorm! also, i play my 3ds everywhere
  14. I know this had probably been answered before... but im just a little confused about the whole BBSv2 thing. I know its part of the final mix video but... What is the point of it? Is it supposed to hint at a future title? i thought KH3 was going to be the next title after KH 3D? thanks in advance for the help!
  15. if gamestop has a preorder bonus (poster or something) then obviously ill get it from gamestop! otherwise, ill get it from best buy because i have a gift card there haha
  16. instead of porting it to the 3DS, it would be smarter to just make an HD remake of it along with KH, Re: CoM and KH II for the PS3 That way Square Enix can get tons of new players. Also, releasing this some time during the long wait between KH 3D and KH III would give us something to do! Also, it allows players to be able to play all the current Kingdom Hearts games on only 2 different gaming systems
  17. i want to see the official box art or an update on the NA site
  18. gotta say, the kingdom hearts 1 logo; keeping it classy with the original
  19. im loving the name haha and thanks everyone, im really excited to start using these forums!
  20. Hey guys, I've been a long-time viewer of this website. But for some reason, i never decided to make an account. This site is great and i plan to start actively using the forums to pass the time until KH3D comes out and eventually KH III as well! Anyways, I'm a big fan of the Kingdom Hearts series. Also, my favorite character is Mickey Mouse (duh). So anyways, this website is awesome, thanks for letting me be a part of it!
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