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King Mickey

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Everything posted by King Mickey

  1. I like that song, and never skip cutscenes so i’d watch it!
  2. I'd love for it to finish right before the release of KH3, I'm losing so much interest in the game but keep playing for the story!
  3. https://bossfightbooks.com/products/kingdom-hearts-ii-by-alexa-ray-corriea Has anyone read this book? It just came out a few days ago, looks interesting and I'm thinking about picking it up.
  4. I think it goes something like "sunshine daisies, bottle of mellow... turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"
  5. Yeah this makes sense as FY 17 ended on march 31, 2017. So we are currently in squares FY 18
  6. This is great to hear! It definitely increases the replay value of 0.2. First, I'll beat it in regular and then work my way up to the hardest difficulty
  7. Im assuming the August release of information will be geared towards 2.8, so I'm not expecting any KH3 news. This is all great news though! Im especially excited to hear that KH3 will basically be a worldwide release. I was worried when he said Japan would get it earlier
  8. im going to take my time and explore the world heavily so im hoping my first play-through will take close to 3 hours!
  9. I think this will actually be good for me. I don't care about insane graphics or Virtual Reality. When this releases in the fall, I'm sure standard PS4's will get a price drop. Especially around the christmas season. I'll pickup the standard PS4 in time for KH 2.8 I also don't believe that the PS4K will sell all that well. Instead, they will still create games geared towards the standard PS4 and then upscale them for the PS4K.
  10. That trailer was incredible! As far as that note at the end goes... I believe they put that there because they will only be focusing on 2.8 this year. So this way, we won't be disappointed that KH3 wasn't shown. I think they are learning to prepare us for when we should and shouldn't expect KH3 information haha So overall, I don't think KH3 will appear at E3
  11. Hmm... with them releasing the 2.8 trailer tomorrow, do you think Kingdom Hearts might not make an appearance at E3? Still very excited though
  12. I know what you mean. People love to hear themselves talk. And sometimes, they try to force opinions on you. Your response should either be "okay guy/girl" (in a really sarcastic voice). Or... you could always say "hey, i hope you have a wonderful life!" (in a really happy, sarcastic voice)
  13. I'll definitely watch the trailer(s) that they release and check out some of the live footage. But not too much... just enough to make sure the game is heading in the right direction
  14. Yeah that really sucks. I feel bad that they couldn't even release an english version for Europe and Australia to play. Sorry man
  15. are the two new medals any good? Is it worth spending 3000 jewels to unlock one of the boards? Seems like a ton of jewels for one medal and some other goodies
  16. im excited for this. Do you know how much a printed copy costs? And will it be sold on amazon?
  17. I'm actually okay with the "half-AP" campaign being over. I'm pretty busy in life so its nice to run out of AP and be like "okay, its time to get real stuff done".
  18. Ehh im still okay with it, I thought it was a fun challenge
  19. Is it a bad medal? I just got the lvl 140 speed quest done, i was lvl 115 and only had to spend 100 jewels so I'm pretty happy with it.
  20. Have they announced when they are releasing this album? I loved their first two albums!
  21. any suggestions on what level you might want to be at? Like, a good level where you don't have to spend a ton of jewels? Im thinking about trying it when i get to around lvl 110 Because of my name, it is necessary that I obtain this medal haha
  22. I definitely remember playing this but i don't remember what you do haha, im pretty sure it wasn't great though
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