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About barry2255

  • Birthday 08/04/1996

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    Every light must fade, every heart return to Darkness!
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  1. I went to my best friends house when I was six cause my mom needed to get something from there and he wasn't there so I waited in his room till my mom was done. I turned on the tv cause I was bored and there it was! sora in deep junge with tarzan in the party, I was obsessed with disney at the time so I was interested in it, I unpaused it and I die instantly (mainly cause I had no idea what to do haha) then when I got home I saw a commercial for it and I begged my mom for it. Then 3 days later, she surprised me with it, i was soo happy :biggrin:
  2. It would be awesome but Hollow Bastion is home to almost all the final fantasy VII characters. Maybe a FF world that doesnt already have certain FF characters.
  3. Fine, its not the main reason I get online, but if there isn't any for a long time it feels like a drought cx
  4. I have a test tomorrow for English and I haven't even studied
  5. Since Nomura has said he tries to release a new kingdom hearts game per year, and now that 2.5 remix has been announced for PS3 in 2014, do you think its possible we'll get Kingdom Hearts 3 in 2015?
  6. I fear the day bleach ends, but I'll always watch and read it!
  7. I wish, but i'm gonna pick up a copy really soon
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