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Everything posted by baptiscool19

  1. Who in Microsoft is even responsible for the Xbox One? I have never seen a product launch to such negativity in my whole life.

    1. EternalReckoning


      i know right dude its awful, and the worst thing is its kind of acceptable as long as it makes sense, most of the rants are annoying but the jokes going around are awesome, hard to imagine how microsoft could screw up this bad though

    2. baptiscool19


      yeah the jokes are really awesome !

    3. Caity


      Obviously it's someone who's a massive tv junkies who likes people watching them and has a good internet connection. Or a douche.

  2. You're welcome! and yes , always show your product. I really don't know what to think of Microsoft now.
  3. I found a video don't know if it's clear enough but that's what i found. start watching from 1:30 you'll see the ps4 in the middle booth another video : for this one again start watching from 1:30
  4. I'm looking for pictures right now , so if I some I'll post them.
  5. Can someone tell me if it's possible to change the name of my topic ?

    1. Caity


      There should be a edit topic option in the top right I think, least that's where it is when I moderate topics.

    2. baptiscool19


      Thanks ! I just had to use the full editor.

  6. Apparently the demos that Microsoft showed at E3 weren't being powered by the Xbox One itself but by computers 3x times faster than the Xbox. Okay this is just getting silly now. The Xbox One might not be able to be sold used, they are refusing to comment on it, which seems a bit strange. Source: http://gimmegimmegames.com/2013/06/xbox-one-may-not-be-able-to-be-sold-used/ Also To add to that point, http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2013/06/i-got-thrown-in-microsoft-jail-for-taking-pictures-of-nothing/ I dunno what to think of Microsoft now .
  7. I'm not too happy that the Osaka team is making this game either. Their games lack polishing. The combat techniques they implement in games are not fluid. The physics of the games they made is horrible. I hope they work on these flaws. Otherwise I don't think i'm gonna enjoy KH3 as much as if the Tokyo team made it.
  8. I think that game exclusivity is a good thing. When to many games go multiplatform there's less incentive to make killer apps when everybody is batting for both teams and no longer trying to surpass each other. It demotes the healthy competition between video game companies. Just think off all the massive numbers of exclusives and the competitiveness between the companies. That is what helped make gaming generations like Genesis/SNES, PS1/N64, and PS2/Xbox/GC so good. When there are too many multiplatform games, there is hardly any point in even having different consoles. Of course, i'm not saying that every game should be exclusive to a system that's ridiculous, but a lot more need to be. Otherwise the gaming will continue to stagnate.
  9. I'm actually happy that they're going back to the KH1/2 command menu battle style, I prefer this battle system . To me the command deck lacked fluidity since the commands were meant to be used as standalone attacks. All the physical combos and the magic combos in KH2 were fantastic.
  10. Where did he confirm mickey as playable ?I thought he said it was under consideration ?
  11. When too many games go multi-platform and console exclusives become fewer, it demotes healthy competition between video game companies. There's less incentive to make killer apps when everybody is batting for both teams and no longer trying to surpass each other. The massive numbers of exclusives across all systems and the competitiveness between the companies is what helped make gaming gens like the Genesis/SNES, PS1/N64, and PS2/Xbox/GC gens so good. When too much is multi-platform, then there's hardly any point in even having different consoles. I'm not saying every game should be exclusive to a system, but a lot more need to be. Otherwise, gaming will continue to stagnate.
  12. When too many games go multi-platform and console exclusives become fewer, it demotes healthy competition between video game companies. There's less incentive to make killer apps when everybody is batting for both teams and no longer trying to surpass each other. The massive numbers of exclusives across all systems and the competitiveness between the companies is what helped make gaming gens like the Genesis/SNES, PS1/N64, and PS2/Xbox/GC gens so good. When too much is multi-platform, then there's hardly any point in even having different consoles. I'm not saying every game should be exclusive to a system, but a lot more need to be. Otherwise, gaming will continue to stagnate.
  13. people complaining about people complaining.

    1. baptiscool19


      you're totally right !

    2. EternalReckoning


      lol it really is xD

      so funny when a hater turns around, not sayng any names but i once convinced a guy to like multiporting to xbox one, he was screaming in caps how awful it is, i left one post and he made a new topic in caps contradicting himself telling people to stop hating the xbox one and multiporitng lolz, dude we need as many people to help as possible please join the anti hater army and help us calm all those haters down :)

    3. EternalReckoning


      btw there is no anti hater army but would be funy xD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. I don't understand how people here can stand her ... or him. Whatever.

    1. Shana09


      did you honestly think that this status wasn't obvious

    2. baptiscool19


      Obvious to what ?

    3. Koko
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Richard Griffiths , the actor who played Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter movies died due to complication after a heart surgery. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/03/29/harry-potter-actor-richard-griffiths-dead-at-65/ My heart stopped when I heard the news. May he rest in peace.
  16. I don't think so. I would have preffered if Lea didn't get a keyblade because if he is to fight with Isa it would have been the first fight with two non keyblade wielders and that in my opinion would me much more epic than keyblade against non keyblade
  17. It's so frustrating when you can't find words that express what you feel.

    1. Kirux




      inb4 supercalifragilisticexpialadocious

  18. They say ''I don't care about you'' but when there's an argument they make millions of statuses about it.

    1. baptiscool19


      Don't know if people got what i was trying to say : What I meant was that some people people say thing like ''i don't care about you'' but when there is an argument they make millions of statuses about it. I'm not talking about me.

    2. FireRubies1


      You tried to clarify your status by saying the exact same thing?

    3. wondermeow523


      i agree with you. entirely.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. I just don't understand some people here.

    1. Tails


      Neither do I.

    2. baptiscool19


      They say ''I don't care about you'' but when there's an argument they make millions of statuses about it.

  20. Ken Sansom , the guy who voiced rabbit in the Winnie the pooh world died on October 8. Don't know why I post this ... It just makes me sad.
  21. That's what i have been thinking too, Lea used the corridors of darkness to get to TWTNW so his heart was in the darkness and that could mean that MX's heart piece actually went into him.
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