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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I'd want it back if only so it could be done well. DDD gave us an extremely watered down and poorly presented version of Hunchback that does not do any favors for one of the most complicated and heavier films that Disney made during its Renaissance in the 90s.
  2. Shadow of War asks the question, "Hey, remember how the One Ring is all corrupting and no one can wield it's power and using it is an awful idea? How about we build another one?"

    1. Dave


      Also, "Remember how Sauron is literally incapable of achieving physical form without the One Ring? What if he actually just did it anyways?"

  3. Would anyone recommend RPG Maker MV?

    1. Shulk


      I know I'm a little late to this, but I've spent a little time with it and I enjoy it. If you already have VX Ace and just want something to play around in I'd say wait until the sale prices get cheaper, but it's a definite improvement over the past engines.

  4. Got sworn into my Union last night. Pretty happy about that.

    1. Joker


      Like a work union? Or Has your cult I joined finally taken action

    2. Dave


      Work Union for Stage and Film crew.

    3. Joker


      ah, nice. Although how has the cult of Kefka gone since I joined the last couple of years

  5. It would be kind of cool, but considering that the best of the best of the elves couldn't do it, I don't know how much of a chance Sora would have. Fighting the Balrog would be rad, but I would go for the Witch King, as the power of inflicting fear and dread would be interesting to see matched against Sora's courage and determination.
  6. Lol at all the people salty about Kubo not winning.

    1. Stardustblade358
    2. KairiKeybasH


      ´cause Zootopia tackles sensitive subjects then Kubo does and the Academy is kinda picky.

  7. Can't wait for that Ringed City DLC.

    1. Joker


      Keep running, running round the ring.

  8. Last day on the shoot yesterday, and ended with a 15 hour work day. Good gravy.

    1. Joker


      For the gravy!

  9. The dude has literally one job (to snipe Edea), and not only does he choke, he apparently chokes every time he's given a job of this caliber? If he's a choke artist and a perpetual failure, why in the living hell was he ever given this job?! Also, cowboy pastiche dress up in JRPGs is a pet peeve of mine.
  10. Irvine so I could beat the shit out of him. One of the worst characters in the franchise.
  11. Fun thought exercise for the day: what is art, to you? What defines art? What is the spectrum between high art and low art? Is it enough to stimulate the senses and emotions of the beholder, or do you need to engage people on an intellectual level at the same time? Does the intention of the artist matter as much as what the consumer takes away from it? No right or wrong answers. Discuss away.
  12. Who is the next cartoon character you want as the POTUS? I'm pulling for Daffy Duck, myself.

    1. Solstice


      Can I vote for myself?

  13. Sounds like something Game Theory would come up with.
  14. I feel like we're watching a bizarre amalgamation of Animal Farm, 1984, and Atlas Shrugged.

  15. The color purple doesn't exist, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. #AlternateFacts

    1. Felixx


      Don't you call me a liar!!

  16. Would you kindly?

    1. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      Dave has been a Lea. DaLea :P

    2. Xiro


      Salvador DaLea

    3. -Justin-


      I know, but I miss the rest of the familea.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  17. What if the meteor shower Ven sees at the start of the game is just the Heartless eating worlds?

    1. WakingDawn96


      Can't be, as the only heartless during that era was pureblood heartless, since basically Xehanort didn't create the other heartless until a certain point after he worked with Ansem, and the pure bloods really weren't around the worlds for the most part yet, and heartless didn't try and take over the worlds until around the time Ansem SOD was in control.

  18. The box has the magical maguffin that Nomura will use to escape whatever plot hole he digs himself into.
  19. One of those is a cartoon character. The other is Pence.
  20. If Batman was poor, would he be half as good at fighting crime?

    1. Emrys


      If the same backstory he would probably have the same drive and reason albeit from a different angle of perspective. More then likely he would find a way. Not as efficient or convenient but still with cause and determination. And in comic book land that's what really matters

    2. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      Well, without the money,he'd still have his matrial arts training and intillect, but he wouldn't have his gadgets. So he wouldn't be as good because he wouldn't have tools that can get him out of any situation and give him a leg up in any opponent. He's only have his strength and smarts, which can only take you so far without resources.

    3. Zerrick


      Well if he was poor from the very beginning he would be terrible at it, wouldn't have the education to be the world's greatest detective, and he wouldn't have the martial arts training to be a capable fighter. He would just be an angry guy with a death wish... yeah, he'd just be Charles Bronson.

  21. I'm glad that Riku is constantly rewarded for being a selfish jackass while Sora is constantly punished for doing the right thing.
  22. I'm more hyped about the stage. Seeing Alexander in the background looks so cool.
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