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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I'm glad Scrooge realizes the error of his ways, opts to help poor people, and decides to not let Tiny Tim die. It makes for a good fantasy story.

  2. I feel like Xigbar would be the most fun to play as, what with the teleporting and shooting.
  3. It doesn't necessarily have to be a Christmas themed game, just a game that always comes to mind during the holidays. For me, it's Smash Bros. Melee. I remember getting it for Christmas, and my sister and I played the hell out of it (and I could not defeat her for the longest time. ).
  4. Not when you consider Disney gave us Bambi's mom getting shot, Frollo going on a racist crusade, Clayton being lynched quite vividly, and dozens of off-screen parental deaths, just to name a few. If anything, Kingdom Hearts is tame by comparison.
  5. To be honest, I don't think Sora would need any of them. The kid has fought a genie, a god, and the literal Devil.
  6. Gotta be Cuphead for me. The love and care that went into that game are on display from start to finish.
  7. My instinct was to fight a conglomeration mutant toy, but then I remembered the whole point of them is that they were still good even if they were deformed. Be neat to fight The Claw.
  8. Proud to take a moment this Remembrance Day to think about both my grandfathers who fought against Nazis, fascism, and racism, and fought for those who found themselves oppressed.

  9. Point of order: The Nazgul are not the flying creatures. Those are Fell Beasts. The Nazgul are another term for the Ringwraiths.
  10. Kingdom Hearts 3: The prequel to Kingdom Hearts 3.7.
  11. Overwatch is a beautiful game where 6 people can complain about there being no healer, and not one will change to ratify the situation.

    1. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      Sounds about right.


      Though I like playing Zenyatta. A lot.

    2. Weedanort


      Same goes for TF2


      3 Snipers, 3 Spies, and no Medic when the enemy team has Soldier/Medic combo with a hacker Sniper...

  12. Cuphead's real good, yo. Can't wait for the internet to decide it's "over rated."

    1. Espio


      Its also on steam!

    2. Xiro


      what's so great about people with cups for heads /shot

    3. Isaix


      Oh that's right it's on Steam too,I completly forgot about that,oh so I might be able to play it afterall

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. Ever noticed how people who complain about Mercy mains are usually the ones begging to be healed the most?

    1. Sigrun


      Indeed, those that complain also HAPPEN to be dps mains lel.

  14. Woo! Happy birthday, Mystic!
  15. Ursula has always been my favorite. She steals every scene she's in.
  16. If you're a lone wolf, that just means you're really bad at being a wolf.

    1. Cricket


      Don't always need to be in a pack.

  17. The Keyblade Graveyard. Any Disney option is more visually interesting than a dustbowl.
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