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Everything posted by Dave

  1. The worst ending for me has to be Shadow of Mordor.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUC8P0LpmfE&feature=youtu.be
  3. Lol, got kicked from MvM because some kid was grumpy that I don't keep voice chat on while I play. I think he did a good job of demonstrating why.

    1. Xiro
    2. MyDixieRect
    3. Dave


      The few times I have chat on, I usually just use it to sing over the mic.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  4. But if people don't want a challenge, why not just start the game on easy mode and then just keep it that way?
  5. I think that being able to toggle difficulty would actually make grinding a little weird and unbalanced for the game. If you find an area with enemies you can defeat relatively easy, crank it up to Hard mode and reap the Hard EXP, then switch the difficulty back to normal, you're kind of going to reach a point where you are defying any and all reasonable expectations of rising challenge.
  6. Ventus was the pokemon he started with, because his rival chose the opposite type, so Xehanort tried to train Ventus to make him evolve faster. But he kept fighting with Ventus against enemies that were too hard to grind with, so that's why he had so much trouble.
  7. For PBJ, not toasted. White. Strawberry. Crunchy! And now I know what I'm having for lunch!
  8. My first language is English, though I did take a 101 in German in University.
  9. In spite of calling the end of the Rumble a mile away (it was pretty obvious), it was a really good show. Ambrose looked like a colossal bad ass the whole night.

    1. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      I'm sorry, but what is this about? I'm quite curious right now.

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Ohh, I see. Honestly, I may start watching it soon here. And that may or may not be just because it's prone to having sexy guys get in awkward positions.


      Uh, yeah. Maybe not that, probably.

  10. Curious to hear more details on what you felt was lacking from FFVI's ending.
  11. Fun fact: apparently, in a picture Jim Henson painted of Bert, if you look very closely at the center of Bert's eye, you can see a nude picture of Frank Oz.
  12. I have the Spider Dance in my head all day, and I don't regret a thing.

    1. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      Purple looks great on you, I must say.

  13. re:Coded. I like how each of the keyblades had effects that altered your playstyle. A Lady Luck that heals when you block is still the best keyblade there is.
  14. The "Black Friend" referred to in the joke is the Guardian.
  15. Creating an RP for the first time in a long time.

    1. Javelin434


      Good luck and have fun!!! I'll be silently watching and furiously taking notes xD

    2. Xiro
  16. Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls 3 alone.
  17. The FF VI reference in Undertale got a good laugh out of me. xD

    1. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      It is awesome, I must admit!


      Oh my love...


      (It also reminds me that the scene that it is referencing is just.. really cool, especially for back then.)

    2. Dracozombie


      Undertale seems to stay eternally on my To Play list, but I guess a good FFVI reference is as good a reason as any to actually get around to it.

  18. My day is going nicely, I think. Currently applying to my local film union, so hopefully something comes from that.
  19. I keep seeing rumors of a Goldberg vs. Lesnar rematch for Wrestlemania 32. Everyone remembers that the first match was garbage, right?

  20. The original name of Dave came from a game of Risk, where I was losing very badly, and only had a few people left. So i changed my strategy, since I owned Australia, and just started pouring all of my reinforcements every turn into Siam. And since I wasn't making any real progress, every turn I would narrate the ongoing story of a man named Dave, who was the last survivor of the green army, who was trying to rebuild his life in what he dubbed the Nation of Dave. Also, as he started having a family, he decided to name all of his children Dave, just so they knew he cared about them equally. Then, as the nation grew more, everyone decided that, since Dave was a kingly name, then it stood to reason that EVERYONE should be named Dave. This went on for a long time, until my 64 armies of Dave had to fight the 80 something armies of my brother in law. I'm proud to say that I actually fought him to a standstill and won the first battle, but he had enough cards to get instant reinforcements, and suffice to say, that was the end of the nation of Dave. My favorite RP moment is actually a while ago now, when I was having a tournament fight against a good friend named Cuiasodo. We just had really good synergy with one another and knew how to bounce off one another to make a really good and fulfilling fight, which I'm pretty sure I wound up losing (I actually don't think we ever finished it). I like to respect it's personal space. It was not.
  21. Actually, my favorite game is still the first Kingdom Hearts, with Final Fantasy VI in a very close second, though Dark Souls is only inches away in a tight third spot. I actually had to find my post on this topic to remember what I thought it was: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/84811-what-color-is-this-dress/?p=1613710
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