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Everything posted by Dave

  1. A Rescuers Down Under world would be great. Just for the option of flying that eagle over the waterfall.
  2. Given it's the reason that "I" am not planning on watching the movie, that would be correct.
  3. My own to cents on not really caring about Marvel films anymore: I'm kind of just tired of the formula that they've been using for five or so years. They really haven't tried anything different for a very long time, willing to pump out their brand of over the top action which, if entertaining and financially successful, no longer satisfies or lingers with me after leaving the film, to the point where it feels like if I've seen one, I've seen them all, because none of them are adding anything different.
  4. Just learned that Bandai Namco was hosting a contest for someone to win ten grand if they could do the best job of explaining Dark Souls plot. I wish I had seen that before it closed.

    1. Exiblade7


      if it had something to do with telling one of the tales of game's stories, then I would totally do it

  5. None of them, to be honest. I want to be excited for Dawn of Justice, but there's too much there that is telling me it won't be that hot.
  6. Well, with BBS and DDD basically already doing all of the things that I didn't want to happen, it's hard to say what's left that KH3 could do that would disappoint me. But let's try. -I'm afraid that at least 90% of Team Xehanort's dialogue and actions will be vague taunting and very little in the ways of actually doing anything. -I'm afraid that Maleficent will continue to be sidelined, instead of back in the main even like she belongs. -I'm afraid there will be at least one attempt to make Vanitas relevant, which will tie back to the first point about the villains taunting and doing nothing for thirty hours. -I'm afraid that the game is going to spend way too much time trying to emphasize how important everyone other than Sora is. I get that we're essentially doomed to looking for Aqua and Ventus, but if I have to sit through more bologna about how Riku is immune to Darkness, we riot. -On that note, I'm afraid that the whole "Riku is immune to Darkness and Sora isn't" garbage will be at the forefront of things. One of them willingly abetted in trying to destroy the world, and one didn't. Reasonably certain they don't know how how resistance to temptation works. - I'm afraid that the Princesses of Heart will keep being used relatively poorly. They're all capable and strong characters, and really should be treated as such. Don't let them just wait around in a safehouse or something; let them act, like when they managed to stem the overflow of Darkness from engulfing the world. -I'm afraid that there will essentially be nothing proactive that we will be doing during the game save walking blindly into Xehanort's plan regardless. If the same result will happen whether I play or not, there's no point to playing the game.
  7. Blasting Flight of the Valkyries for the rest of the week.

  8. Though I doubt this will change any minds, might as well put my two cents in. In general, I don't find Lightning to be that compelling of a character. I get the whole "she cares but has a hard time showing it" tends to be a thing in a lot of JRPGs and anime, but it honestly doesn't leave a lot of room for development. The most they do with her is just take something she already is and make it more overt, rather than having her actually get an arc (for instance, not caring at all, and then realizing the importance of humanity). I have not played XIII-2 or 3, but from what I've seen, it doesn't really look like the character gets that arc, and is mostly just operating under the assumption that you're already 100% on board with her, so that they feel more like an appendix of worship than a story (The ending of XIII-3 essentially confirms this). Not to mention chewing out Sazh for bringing up the topic of potentially killing Serah should she turn Cie'th, saying that "people like him are the problem," and then doing an about face by being fully on board with nuking Cocoon as a potential solution for their problems kind of lost me.
  9. Dave

    Dark Souls 3

    The opening cinematic has been released.
  10. If Tarkus made it to Anor Londo, and if you can only make it there by ringing both Bells, how is Quelaag still alive when we go to do it?

  11. Aw snap, scored an Australium Strange Knife!

    1. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Read this as "Australian Strange Knife" xD

    2. Xiro


      @Yuya Same

    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
  12. It will sadly likely be Lightning, though I hold out some hope for characters that I like, such as Sabin. Him having a fist fight with Herc would be good.
  13. I think it's also worth considering love in contexts other than just romantic. Honestly, I feel that if you care about the emotional and physical well being of another person, be they your friend, family member, or other members of mankind in general, you are experiencing the sensation of love, because it's letting you care about someone other than yourself, and receiving an emotional payoff from their happiness as well as your own.
  14. I'm curious to know what higher rank you need than a Vice President, given that he more than meets the qualification of "the big boys."
  15. Brock Lesnar is the Broly of wrestling. As much as everyone wants to convince you that he's great, there's no hiding that he's really not.

    1. Dave


      I don't doubt Lesnar is athletic, but he is pushed and written as this great unstoppable force that, frankly, his actual in ring talent doesn't warrant. Not to mention that Paul Heyman is in many ways the actual Brock Lesnar character, with Lesnar being little more than the dummy for Paul's ventriloquist act.

    2. Dave


      I do agree that the promotion behind Brock as a one man wrecking crew is a good idea, I just wish he could deliver more on it. The only reason I'm hesitant behind him fighting the Wyatt's is that Bray could really use a win at Wrestlemania one of these years.

  16. The only person worse than Xehanort is Vanitas. Maleficent at least has moments of success. Xehanort just has a constant string of failures that he tries to make believe that it was totally his plan all along.
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