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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I never thought of it before, but considering that mansion is abandoned, the lawn is shockingly well kept.
  2. One more month until Dark Souls 3!

    1. Zola


      My laptop would lag so hard if I tried to play a game like that on it.


      You win this time, Xylek...

    2. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek




    3. Emrys


      Im useing vacation days with mountain dew, red bull and pringles. Im too ready

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  3. I have not gained a pound since I was, like, 15.
  4. Well, I've personally shipped Sora with every whichever girl happens to be in the world he is visiting, so as it stands, by the end he's going to commit polygamy en masse.
  5. I'd actually like something akin to a randomly generated tournament, fighting different enemies in different orders rather than moving up through the seed system, since it would give more replay value. Also, it would be cool if, rather than just fight Heartless, if we could fight more characters such as the Leon and Cloud fights. This runs into the problem of Disney potentially not liking to see their characters be in fights, but I figure if they already have them fighting along Sora to beat Heartless, some of the companions and villains might be able to make the cut.
  6. As is a time honored tradition, after you beat the Elite Four and become Champion, you and your team are inducted into the Pokemon League Hall of Fame. And, having just beaten Blue once again for the first time in a long time, I thought it would be cool for people to show off their winnings teams and take their proper place in the KH13 Hall of Fame, as well as tell any fun stories you might have about the Pokemon you caught and your journey with them. Trainer: TheBest Version: Pokemon Blue 1. Caesar the Venusaur Probably my favorite memory with Caesar was actually the fight against Brock. He was still low level, and didn't know any Grass moves other than Leech Seed, and he was the last one standing against Onix. So the strategy I used was Leech Seed and then spam Growl to the point where the Onix wasn't doing any damage that the Seeds couldn't replace. It was definitely one of my favorite fights, and kind of set up my strat for Caesar, which I affectionately referred to as The Waiting Game. 2. Napoleon the Fearow Napoleon was actually the first one that I caught, mostly because I really hate Pidgeys and Rattatas. Hard to pick a specific memory about him, mostly because he's consistently reliable and shockingly resilient, which I guess speaks well about how he fit into the team, cleaning up against Fighting and Grass types. 3. Maxmillian the Raichu The best part about Maxmillian is that I never meant for him to be on my team at all. I was just scrounging around Viridian Forest to catch a Pikachu in order to fill the Pokedex, and then started level grinding him alongside my Caterpie for a lol (also, shoutout to Wilhelm the Butterfree, who, if not on this team, certainly helped it get as far as it did). But, mostly because he was super useful against Misty and others, he eventually became a mainstay, and managed to single handedly get me past Lorelai. 4. Ivan the Onix Sadly, most of my memories of Ivan come from how Rock Slide missed so very often, and how low his attack was in general. However, the reason I had him was because I taught him Dig, and he was a wrecking crew against Poison types. I think my favorite memory of him is the fight with Agatha, just because he was running low on Dig, I was running low on potions, and Gengar kept hitting him with Confuse Ray, which, more often than not, caused him to injure himself. But on his last shot, he managed to snap out of confusion and take out the Gengar, securing the win. 5. Charlamagne the Kingler Honestly, my favorite part of training Charlamagne was when he was first a Krabby, caught at Level 15 among a team of almost Level 27. And in order to beef him up, I went to the Diglett Tunnel and slaughtered Digletts. Took forever, but eventually got him up to strength. But after that, it has to be his Guillotine clutch. Doesn't hit all the time, but it worked against Giovani's Rhydon, and against Lorali's Lapras. Not to mention that he got the last shot against my rival's Charizard, securing the championship. 6. Constantine the Magmar One of the reasons I like Blue over Red is because Magmar is rad (and Pinsir!), and so I really made it my goal to get one upon hitting up Cinnabar Island. Because he came so late in the game, I don't have as many memories with him, but I kind of thought of him as something of a Dragoon, with low defense but high speed and attack, and he fought a good fight every time he came in.
  7. I do NOT remember the item management limitations in Pokemon Blue being this irritating. maybe it's because I didn't use as many items as a kid, but it definitely makes me appreciate the bottomless bag more.

    1. Hargleblargleboo


      ^ Yeah. Don't do it. Gen 1 aged horribly.

    2. RikuFangirl2008


      I think I remember that. Yeah it's was annoying. I think I was at one of those big places (forgot where), and I guess when obtaining the item, the game says I don't have enough room in my inventory.

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      nor did i dave, no did i

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  8. Actually, that's another thing I should have added to my list: I do like wrecking chumps with Aqua's magic.
  9. I make no secret that Birth By Sleep is my least favorite game in the series (although DDD certainly makes a push for the title), given that it takes most of the things that I loved about Kingdom Hearts and turns it bass ackwards. However, I don't think it's true that there is nothing altogether that I liked in the game, and managed to find a few things which I do appreciate. 1. Haley as Vanitas. This is a bit of a strange one, considering that Vanitas is my least favorite character ever, but even so, listening to Haley do his voice is kind of neat, because it sounds like he's just having fun with the character. It sounds like he's allowed to go to a different place in his repertoire, and brings that energy with him to the scenes that he's in. 2. Braig. Braig's probably one of the most solid characters in the series, with a distinct, unique, and scene stealing personality, and the fact that he actually seems to be one of the few proactive people on Team Xehanort. Even with the mantra of Xehanort being to troll and do little as possible, Braig still manages to make his moments pulling the line as energetic and entertaining as they can be. He was a cool character in KH2, but with precious little screen time, and to bring him back into a more solid and important role in the overall plot was a good move. Not to mention that he's one of the few people who are willing to call Xehanort out on his bullshit, which I appreciate a great deal. 3. Even. Mostly because Vexen is my favorite Organization member, it was kind of cool to see Even wandering around, even if its for an incredibly brief cameo that doesn't lend itself to much. Still, though, we get one moment out of his screen time, in which he gets to comment on the peculiarity of Ven's heart, which kind of sets him up as important to the future. 4. Young Herc. This was probably the only real use of the prequel status of the game that was handled well, in my opinion. Hercules is one of the mainstay characters of Kingdom Hearts, making an appearance in most of the games, and getting to see how he started out was actually very heartwarming. Seeing him start out bumbling and awkward, but still managing to do the brave thing when it counts is what makes him an endearing and lovable character, and, in a way, retroactively sets up his arc for the entire series, showing us where he's come from and where he's going. 5. Being Tiny in Cinderella's House This was certainly the most imaginative use of the worlds at their disposal. Cinderella makes it clear that the mice have their own little system of operations, and getting to see things from their perspective was fun. Not to mention that I wholly enjoyed the fight with Lucifer, given that the cat is one of those villains from the movie who you just want to smack.
  10. My biggest flaw is that I'm super ripped and it makes all the other guys jealous.
  11. I've got a soft spot for Siegmeyer. While others might have a greater purpose or calling in Lordran, Siegmeyer is just happy to be going on an adventure. And even when he runs up against a wall, rather than be crestfallen, he still seems upbeat about eventually getting over it. But, of course, his adventure is secondary to the one you're going on, and without spoiling too much, I always feel a little bad for Sieg, no matter what happens during your playthrough.
  12. I'll throw my proverbial hat into the proverbial ring for becoming the not proverbial mod.
  13. Playing Pokemon Blue again is like visiting an old friend, and wondering why you stopped talking to them in the first place.

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      those feels! i got yellow and not having played it before, its slight changes feel more like the cousin you haven't seen in years that turns out to be pretty cool

    2. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      I'll tell you why you stopped. Lance's Dragonite.

    3. Zola


      Every time.

  14. -Kuja- You couldn't rush art, Myles knew, but there came a time when one had to admit that they were pouring molasses instead of water. Having only recently returned to his hometown, Myles was taking up residence in the Narshe B&B, and for the past few days had not ventured outside his room. Partly because he was already regretting returning to a place where weather was considered stimulating conversation, and partly because the painting he was currently working on was going as smoothly as a kidney stone. A blank canvas stood as an obelisk designed with the sole purpose of mocking him, with the only testament to his struggles being the waste paper basket full of crumpled paper. It was a sign of his pride, however, that in spite of his self imposed isolation for days on end and his frustrations with trying to find the perfect visual representation of the folly of the deception of righteousness while simultaneously embracing the illusion of tolerance, Myles managed to to keep his clothes clean and his hair immaculate, though the hours of staring at his canvas laced his eyes with less than savory bloodshot hues. "There is no greater malice to face," he muttered aloud, his voice raspy from lack of use, "than one without form or thought, but, like a gnat, hovers by your head, assaulting your ears with its piercing drone, and biting your flesh lest you forget that it's there." Even more unrelenting was the grumbling echoing from his stomach, reminding Myles that the term "starving artist" need not be taken quite so literally. Myles grimaced; he originally planned not to grace the locals with his presence until he produced a piece that would serve to let them know the quality of the man whom descended from Olympus to illuminate their drab and colorless world. But though the spirit was willing, the flesh was weak, and it was with great reluctance that Myles convinced himself to get up form his chair, go through the door, and head downstairs. "After all," he tried to console himself, "walking among the mice reminds the lion that he is great." Heading down to the lobby (perhaps leaning a bit closer on the handrail than he anticipated, the sudden exertion reminding him of his limited activity for the last few days), Myles made an effort to look like he was ignoring the pair of writers (though it was impossible not to at least internally acknowledge the taller woman's sharp sense of style. The red and black ensemble was classy, yet practical), and turned his attention to the young lady tending the front desk. "I know this is unlikely, but would you happen to know where I could get a meal that exceeds the pallet expected by yokels?"
  15. Actually, a cult classic generally means a movie that wasn't widely successful, but has found a devoted audience among a small niche group. The Disney movies that have made it in are generally well known and beloved, and more often than not successful. If anything, judging by the ratings thus far, Zootopia meets that criteria. In fact, Tron would be the closest thing to a cult classic, and it got in, so there's that.
  16. I will now proceed to avoid the spoilers that the early access of Dark Souls 3 has laden the internet with

    1. Dave


      VaatiVidya already has a video up, and I want to watch it so badly


    2. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      don't dave! i shall break down for you, and watch it

    3. Zola


      The excitement is tangible

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  17. I didn't watch this year, mostly because I wasn't familiar with a lot of the movies nominated. One thought I do have, though, is that as hype as everyone is about Leo winning for The Revenant, I'm annoyed that Alejandro González Iñárritu won for best director, as the crew was apparently treated like garbage throughout the shoot.
  18. It's a neat tech idea, but a misuse of Conker, I think.
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