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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I'll be honest: I don't like anime in general. There will be a five minute session of stone throwing after the show. The primary reason is the animation style. By and large, it seems stiff: the bodies and limbs look very much like parts of a puppet that will not move unless provoked, rather than truly having any life behind it. The motions aren't as fluid as they could be, especially with faces: they're usually very static and plain, not conveying a lot of emotion at all. Speaking of faces: this is a gross exageration, but the majority of anime characters look exactly the same, or at least have multiple dopplegangers, only with different haircuts and clothes. It just feels uninspired often. Storyline wise, while I do applaud anime for marketing to a wider age group, I personally find the stories either too cute/insane or too, for lack of a better term, brooding. It just feels the same after a while, and I think that's my biggest complaint about anime in a nutshell: it all feels the same, once you get down to it. Commence stone throwing.
  2. The moment when you realize that Wakka's hair is, in fact, supposed to be taken seriously.
  3. Out of all the videos I've done thus far, I think Organization of Personality is my best music video.
  4. Name: Double 0 Axel Category: Music videos Short Description: Axel doesn't always drink, but when he does, he prefers his martinis shaken, not stirred. View Video
  5. Again, I didn't really hate it, persay, but it does bother me how rushed the plots of the Lion King and Mulan were. The way that the levels were planned out, you didn't get nearly the heightened sense of drama and importance that both movies have.
  6. The thing with Terra that I wonder about the most, especially in regards to 3DS, is that Terra is Xehanort, in that the guy you kill in both Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 is essentially a likeness of Terra. So, you've killed both manifestations of all that's left of Terra. You cap off his Nobody and his Heartless. The only way left to save Terra is to bring Xehanort back, which is almost counter-intuitive. To save Terra, you need to bring back his body, and the guy in control of his body wants to destroy the world in Keyblade War 2. So really, it's better just to flip Terra off and write him off. Of course, that's not gonna happen, because Kingdom Hearts is terrifed about addressing the concept of death (which is funny, considering Disney's track record of killing off characters), but still, there's no happy medium here.
  7. Finally found the song I'm going to work with for the GMV contest. Spoilers: more James Bond

  8. I would replace the Atlantis music with The Great Mouse Detective theme.
  9. It depends on the emotion you wish to convey with the end of the picture, as well as all the elements that lead up to it. A move that's more plot heavy, like Lord of the Rings, had better have a resolution after all those hours of investment, or else the audience will feel that the journey has been a waste of time. Conversely, a movie like the Godfather II, which is all about Michael more or less going to the dark side, ought to end on an unresolved note, because it means that all of the deeds he's committed thus far were only the begining. It doesn't want to make you feel good or clean about the murders he's ordered, it wants you to know that they're going to hang on his consience and reputation like a stain, and that his evil will continue as a result of his actions. Basically, if you want to give the impression that there is a story or an emotion that is supposed to linger after the movie is finished, I think it's generally best to go unresolved. If the point of the movie is one of story telling and simple narrative, it's best to resolve it, because no one likes to be left hanging.
  10. And then Stone Cold hit Sephiroth with a Stunner. The End.

  11. Honestly, I think Kingdom Hearts is one of the few series where I really don't hate much of anything about it. I mean, there are some voices I don't care for, and a few levels that drive me nuts, but there's nothing I well and truly hate about it. I can rally up some hate for a lot of Final Fantasy, but for Kingdom Hearts, there's only inconveniences. I suppose one of the things that really does bother me is how empty the worlds are, with only a few people milling around here and there. I should like to have a more populated feel to the game.
  12. Imagine if Spoony were to ever get a keyblade, and what he would do to Leon...

  13. Leonard Nimoy and Haley Joel Osment, because they are the only ones who seem to have fun with their roles. Especially Osment, who gets to let loose and unleash his inner jerk. You know this makes up for having to deliver numerous speeches about friendship. Frankly, everyone else in the game seems bored. McCartney tries his hardest, and you can tell, but given that Ven is a little bland, he can only do so much. Dohring doesn't really do anything wrong as Terra, but then, he never really owns the character to the point where you can't imagine anyone else doing it, such as Quinton Flynn as Axel, or James Patrick Stewart as Braig. The latter two put a ton of personality as only the can provide into their voices, while Dohring seems to just be delivering lines as standard. And then we get to Willa Holland as Aqua, and sorry, Aqua fanboys, but she's dull as can be. For 90% of the game, she sounds completely detatched and disinterested as to what's going on, using the same monotone delivery for nearly every situation. This is especially irritating when you get to the more emotional scenes, such as discovering the Eraquas is gone, or confronting Maleficient, and her way of conveying more emotion is to do the exact same monotone delivery, only a little louder. She brings nothing to any scene, because there is never any extra emotion present, or added charm, or anything, and you're almost better off just reading the subtitles, because chances are you'll get more out of it. This is never highlighted more than when you watch Aqua talk to Zack, who packs in a ton of life and personality into everything that he says to the point where each line highlights the character. Willa Holland just sounds bored throughout BBS, though admittedly, I don't know if that is the fault of the actress, or the director.
  14. Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Winning only means that you've doomed everyone to not exist, and there's nothing you can do about it.
  15. That moment when, after you spend 5 hours on a project, you then wonder if anyone looked at it other than you

  16. Name: The World Is Not Enough Category: Music videos Short Description: For the Disney villains, the world is not enough. View Video
  17. Sora actually winds up dying (as in, dead) after seeing to the return of Aqua, Ven, and Terra. To this end, Riku and friends have to strike a deal with Hades in order to see the return of their good friend. In the meantime, Sora's heart, much like Ven's, is seeking refuge somewhere, and finds its way to Jack Skellington, who, after letting Sora's heart in, also gets his keyblade. Jack, being the good fellow he is, sees fit to return it, and by the time we reach KH3, Jack has returned Sora's heart to his body, and thus we can get the final shindig under way.
  18. I feel safe; I feel scared; I feel ready; And yet unprepared

  19. Luxord plays poker with Oogie Boogie. Who wins?

  20. While not generally a fan of Evanescence, I quite liked the matching of the images to both the lyrics and the music. Very well done.
  21. Well, there was also that time in Vegas, when a bunch of the Heartless got drunk and did some unsavoury things, but it's just as well that Lea doesn't remember that.
  22. Naturally, Sora would be with Stone Cold, and Riku would be with the Rock. Primarily for alliterative purposes.
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