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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I don't have a set number 1 favorite game, but most of my top ten were released for the N64 between 1996 and 2000. For those that are curious, that includes Star Fox 64 (1996), Banjo Kazooie (1997), Goldeneye (1997), and Zelda: Majora's Mask (2000)
  2. Hopefully Malificient turning into a dragon. It would make for a good transition to zoom into something green, which turns into the fire that signals the transformation.
  3. Braig seems to be closer to Xehanort's council than any other member of Organization XIII was, with the possible exception of Saix. Given the role heplayed in Birth By Sleep and ultimately setting up Xehanort's body-switching plan, he seems more of a willing confidante than the rest of the members.
  4. I still believe that Aeris' death was written in for the sole purpose that Cloud would not be forced to actually choose between her and Tifa.
  5. In the spirit of Kingdom Hearts' love of the number three, and with the idea of mutiple worlds being connected from across time and space: if you could pick three people from any fandom to take up the Keyblade and fight, in one meat-grinding guantlet of a battle, every member of Team Xehanort (which consists, at least prior to the release of Dream Drop Distance, of Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, Young Xehanort, Vanitas, and Braig) who would you choose? Personally, I'm opting for Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Xehanort's dead in five.
  6. 35: And know, when the question doth arrive: who's the leader of the club who is made for you and me? Verily, the answer beith: M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E. And lest thee forget, the tune which accompanies this commandment shall play endlessly when thy is in the presence of the castle or town of Disney. The tune shall then imbed itself in thy mind, playing endlessly in a loop, until thy goeth insane.
  7. Arrived, shot Liberty Valance, left

  8. I'm generally not a huge fan of Nomura's love affair with aerodynamically impossible haircuts, and this definately goes for Kingdom Hearts. When you consider that Luxord is the only member of Organization XIII with a haircut that can be put together under ten minutes after getting out of bed, it's clear that the hair can be a bit silly. The hair gel Cloud must go through in a single day boggles the mind, and one wonders how Sora is able to keep his hair that spikey when underwater in Atlanticas. And it's not like it's impossible to have modest haircuts: Kairi has the right idea with just letting it grow out naturally, and even Riku to an extent can pull off his stylized shaggy look as natural. But then you have to wonder how and why so many of the characters decide to have their unconventional haircuts, like Larxene's anntenae look, or Ven's insane cowlick. Of course, the argument for a pro-strange haircut position is one of identity: the hair might be impossible, but at least it makes them instantly identifiable, sets them out from the crowd, and can embelish their character. So, opinions on Kingdom Hearts haircuts, how strange they are, and whether people should go for more modest looks.
  9. I think Kingdom Hearts is intentionally abstract. The series has made clear that hearts are complicated things to understand, and so too must be the Heart of All Worlds.
  10. It seems like having a complicated ending for the sake of having a complicated ending. There's no real poignancy or payoff to having everyone die other than shock value, at least not in the Kingdom Hearts plotline.
  11. The problem is that the Disney worlds have been reduced to drive-through levels, where you complete an obstacle which is quickly forgotten about the moment it is over. They're not being tied into the grander story arc as much as they ought to be. This is where Kingdom Hearts 1 was superior: every level you went to mattered in one way or another in the grand scheme of things. The Princesses were a key role (pun intended) and pretty much tied the whole story together, and with the Disney villain bloc at the core of the plot, every time you defeated one, it meant something bigger, rather than just having random boss battles. Even more throwaway levels like Deep Jungle and Monstro provided moments for character and plot development, not just footnotes on friendship. Provided we stop getting the introduction of more characters and start actually working with what we have, the Disney worlds could easily become important again.
  12. I would prefer it if Malificient was stil THE bad guy, but alas... I'm none too fond of Malificient being trivialized more and more as the series goes on. She started off as she should have, as a formidable power to be reckoned with, capable of taking over Radiant Garden and coming close to nabbing Kingdom Hearts for herself. But she keeps getting shunted to the sidelines, made weaker with every appearance, doing a great disservice to the character and her potential.
  13. Nostalgia Critic, The Spoony Experiment, Team Four Star.
  14. Basic sort of question: on average, how many people willingly watch films with a release date prior to 1990, and how often?
  15. It's that soul crushing moment when you realize that there's nothing playing in theatres this weekend EXCEPT Project X....

  16. Prior to going to Radiant Garden, Terra stops by the Mysterious Tower to talk with Yen Sid, who informs him that the Unversed and Xehanort may somehow be connected.
  17. Ditto. I can remember playing KH2 for the first time and being absolutely certain that whoever this Roxas guy was, he was going to hook up with Olette, because there is some definate chemistry there. Of course, I also thought for certain that Ariel had the hots for Sora before remembering that canon dictated she wind up with Eric, so I'm probably a bad judge (but seriously, wouldn't they be great together? Also, Cinderella totally wants Terra). But yes, Olette is awesome.
  18. I ain't so tough

  19. Taking this using my set list of favorite games. 1. Peppy Hare from Star Fox 64. He was the only one I liked: Falco was a bit of a jerk, and Slippy makes me smack my head against the glass of my Arwing. Peppy had good advice, had a good personality, had a swell accent, and had an interesting backstory. 2. Bottles the Mole from Banjo Kazooie. Probably the best way to get moves in a game is in a fourth wall breaking mole who not only makes no bones about his being in a game, but has a continuing war of words with Kazooie, making each encounter a treat. 3. The Toad Brigade from Super Mario Galaxy. The Toads finally get to get off on their own adventure, only to usually result in failure. But they do help out Mario every now and again, and they're a good deal of fun. 4. Q, from Goldeneye. You can't beat the game without help from good old Q, who will not only give you all the gadgets you need, but will give you ample information on when and how to use them.
  20. I'm not that kind of a thief.

  21. Found Litte Ceaser and the Public Enemy for only $20. It's Cagney/Robinson time

  22. In no specific order, my top ten favorite games: Kingdom Hearts 2 Golden Sun Star Fox 64 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask GoldenEye Banjo Kazooie Epic Mickey Super Smash Bros. Melee Fire Emblem 9
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