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Everything posted by Dave

  1. For Final Fantasy XVI, do you think that the Cid should wear nothing but a codpiece? You know, just to even things out a bit?

    1. Joker


      for ff16? I want to think that's a ways off I mean we sill have 15

    2. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      If it will get people to shut up about Cidney, then I'm all for it. :P

    3. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      Or whatever her name is now, Cindy, Cidney, I don't know. xD

  2. I haven't done an Importance Of thread in a long time

  3. The Bell Heartless is interesting, given that the bells in the house are a constant reminder of Cinderella's indentured servitude, but I'm not really understanding the Candle one.
  4. Trying to go for a Culture Victory in Civ V is investing too many hours to discover your only a few points away by the time the game ends.

  5. The main reason was Disney. The idea of the worlds colliding and characters interacting with one another sounded like a great idea, and being able to go and hang out in the movies that I had grown up with was more than enough to sell me.
  6. None, really. Spirits Within is boring, and Advent Children is maddening on multiple levels. Though I've not seen Kingsglaive, from what I've heard and know of it, I doubt it would be up my alley.
  7. It's a poor move on Youtube's part, and the reaction against it has been strong. Channels talking about things from depression to acne have been hit because someone decided that it wasn't "appropriate" for advertising to be associated with something so "negative." So basically, unless your barfing sugar and doling out the most censored product you can, you're out of a job. At this point, I'd like to see Youtube be dealt some kind of legal ramifications, if you consider that they are bent on messing with the livelihoods of far too many people to be ignored.
  8. Nah, you beat me fair and square. Not to mention I made a ton of mistakes: I thought Mean Look worked after the Pokemon that used it was dead, and I thought that Crobat was Dark instead of Poison, which wound up getting him wrecked.
  9. Finished my team. Ready when you are, Rob.
  10. I personally like the idea of having one team that you take from the bottom to the top rather than having to rehire your mercenaries every round, but that's just me.
  11. Definitely Blazing Saddles. I love that movie to pieces, and Gene is such a key part of that love. "Well, my name is Jim. But most people call me.... Jim." "Well, Jim, since you are my guest, and I am your host, what do you like to do?" "Oh, I don't know. Play chess... screw..." "Let's play chess."
  12. The main thing is just that there's not enough content in the game to keep you wanting to play after a few hours, especially considering the price tag it currently has.
  13. The Keyblade Graveyard. Because dustbowls aren't interesting to look at.
  14. Name: Dave_son_of-Dave Timezone: Mountain Casual or Competitve: Casual Favorite Pokemon: Koffing Draft Format or Standard Battle Format: I'm leaning towards standard.
  15. Colonel Haithi is my fav. Discipline! Discipline was the thing!
  16. I'm not really sure. The DLC for the first game gave a pretty lengthy environment and area to explore, while the ones for Dark Souls 2 each gave a single dungeon (albeit three of them altogether, and in fairness, each somewhat better designed than the ones in the main game). We're scheduled for two installments for this one, so I don't think either of them are going to be as long individually as Artorias's, but I still hope for good things. From the trailer, it already looks like we're getting a bunch of NPCs, which means that there's going to be some world building and lore drops going on.
  17. Can we stop pretending Genji is a skill class?

    1. Dave


      If they think spamming double jump and a deflect move that works entirely on its own with no input from the player takes skill, they're horribly mistaken.

    2. MythrilMagician


      Every fanbase has these kinds of toxic players unfortunately.

    3. Xiro


      Combos tho?

      Idk maybe it's because I'm not too good with these kinds of games lol

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  18. So long as the bots don't adapt...
  19. My main beef with the update is that it now takes forever to get put into a match. By only letting people join at the start of the game, it means that you can be waiting a long time to get into a longer game type like Capture the Flag. Altogether I haven't been a big fan if only because they've made it harder to actually play the game.
  20. There's got to be some connection to the Painted World of Ariamis here, surely.
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