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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I hope so. Given that we're delving into Cinderella's Castle, I'm hoping we can get some appearances here and there.
  2. It turns out I was actually standing next to Carrie Fisher at the convention, and I didn't even realize it.

    1. VisitJoan
    2. Mystics Apprentice

      Mystics Apprentice

      Whoa, no way, that is so awesome! How did you find out?

    3. Dave


      A friend and I were just browsing some shirts, and I looked over at the other friends who were with us a little ways away, and they were freaking out. So I went over them to ask what was up, and apparently, I was next to Carrie Fisher. Had no idea.

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  3. One of the criteria I use for deciding whether things are art or not is if it can evoke some level of introspection, thought, or emotion. And animation can definitely manage to do that as well. I think Fantasia is a good example; the Toccata and Fugue piece is an attempt at drawing an abstract and shapeless thing such as music and produce it into a physical form, yet not in as literal a form of storytelling as The Sorcerer's Apprentice, while still trying to contain the emotional content of the music.
  4. Long day at the local convention, but it was fun. Got a Tracer shirt, White Mage shirt, some Bioshock, Bloodborne, and Portal art. And an adorable Siegmeyer pin!

  5. Found this meme on Twitter and thought it was kind of fun.
  6. How much Chuck would a Chuck Wood wood if a chuck wood could wood chuck?

  7. The fact that The Beast made it to Hollow Bastion based on nothing but willpower and love, even after the Heartless devoured his entire world and everyone in it. Maleficent breaking the keyblade in re:Coded. Something I'd love to see more of.
  8. gunji pls teach me to dbl jump so i can get gud

    1. MythrilMagician


      Bi dbl jumpng

      Git gud

  9. It would probably look like Riku. Think about it for a minute or two.
  10. I can't believe I've never seen that gif before, but I love it.
  11. This game needs to be so edgy that I can't touch the controller without cutting myself on it.
  12. I've always wanted more exploration in the games. Going to essentially the same stage with different backdrops and smashing x only takes me so far.
  13. Excuse me, I believe there has been a misunderstanding. I am clearly the only Lea here.
  14. Yeah, but throughout all of that sulking, he's never actually said, "I'm sorry," to anyone other than himself. Most of the reason he lurks in the shadows in KH2 is because he can't bring himself to look the people he's hurt in the eye and actually apologize to them.
  15. The problem is, at the time when Aqua is awarded the title of Master, she is neither wise nor experienced.
  16. The entire concept of being a Master and making it a mandatory title to achieve is something where the series started to veer in the wrong direction. Sora got the keyblade and has become the hero he was because he was a good guy with a strong heart, who was willing to help out people he didn't even know just because they were in dire need. But the Mark of Mastery is almost designed around an almost selfish notion that focuses on the individual and the individual alone. Standards for passing seem to be focused on pure combat skill (which, ironically, would have left the keyblade in the hands of Riku at the start of Kingdom Hearts 1), and the concept of controlling your Darkness, which symbolizes personal strength as opposed to what you do for other people. On the latter note, Riku only gets his so called "immunity" to Darkness by virtue of having welcomed it and abetting in the destruction of his island and the near end of the world. But because he is now more powerful, regardless of the amount of lives he ruined (still waiting on him to actually apologize for anything), he is deemed more a master than Sora, who has not given into the Darkness once. The theme of the games shift from the emotional merit of a person to just their martial prowess being what matters the most.
  17. Finally got up to 100 squats and 100 sit ups. :D

    1. Dave


      I'm only up to 30 push ups. For some reason, the regimen I'm on seems to scale those up slowly.

    2. Joker


      What ever works for ya Flannary

    3. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun


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  18. If Dark Souls and KH crossed over, would Maleficent be the equivalent of The Witch of Izalith or Seath (because evil dragon)?

    1. Xiro


      Shun would have to beat the main game first

    2. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi

      But what if I did?

      Besides, I

    3. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi

      just card them, easy.

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  19. I wound up with Snow White somehow, which is a new one to me.
  20. I guess you could say we use our powers in... moderation.
  21. I'm curious: is the girl in the green and white hoodie a Buzz Lightyear reference? Because the color palette is very similar.
  22. Team Rocket has a better winning record than me right about now.
  23. Square giving preferential treatment to Japan over the rest of the world? That's basically par for the course at this point. I've long since become resigned to merely enjoying the parody of decisions that Square makes in regards to its international KH fans.
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