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Everything posted by Ryan

    1. Ryan


      KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] E3 2012 Demo Gameplay with Sound and High Quality by RPGGamer

    2. Crisp Cucumber

      Crisp Cucumber

      Great find! Thanks! :D

  1. Pre-ordered the KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] Mark of Mastery Edition from Amazon. YAY!!!

    1. 143436611Xxcc


      MUST PRE-ORDER!! To think it comes out NEXT month! Happens so fast!

    2. Imoore4



    3. Kishira


      I can't wait to hold that CE in my hands. I'll be starring at it the whole train/bus ride home. <33

  2. So it is happening again? But this time I am not the cause.

  3. E3 2012 is here! YAY OISHII!!

  4. It's official. The iPhone version of KH13's chat feature needs working on. (Why must it not display sound notifications and be glitchy?)

    1. Ryan


      I wanted to speak to her too... Why must technology fail at the worst of time?

    2. 4Everbee
    3. Kirie



    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. Good days so far! More good days to come! I still have to write some more ideas though. ^_^

    1. tawnyHero


      YAY~! that's a good thing~! Kesese~! if you ever need an idea I'm full of them~! (I'm like writing 5 books at the time) X3

  6. What did I miss? I was just asleep for a few hours? Bro, when were you here, and why are they saying Ryan x Naught? /foreverworriedthattheyfoundoutoursecrets Also, to switch keyboards is called IME, if you have a Japanese language pack, you can switch keyboards. I'll post a link. And wow...
  7. Austin didn't... He didn't steal Golden from Naught... THEY'LL PAY FOR THIS! And I really have to PM Gumi her hiragana...
  8. o3o is right, first the username change, now this. Looks like things are getting good.
  9. I feel complete knowing that I am finally almost fluent after four years. Now, for a complete Japanese post. だから、あなたはこれを読むことができますか? またはこの文の漢字はあなたのために多すぎる?
  10. Soon I shall finally post my plans for the game thanks to Golden. Are you ready?
  11. Not really a problem, I just prefer the name Ryan is it's easier and keytotheheart sounds stupid, but if it makes you happy, go ahead.
  12. Notice anything different? o3o 69!
  13. I do. Though like you, I find the Shadow the Hedgehog song you posted a little too dark and controversial, and I know you agree. And yes, you got it right. Dark Ryan is NOT evil, he's a part of me. His intentions are not to be evil as you said. Wow, you really do understand this. Amazing bro! Amazing! Yeah, they're cool and I think Mephiles' theme fits him very well. Also, when it comes to the ending, yes if you choose to let him live you will get the true ending which makes me live and him be his own self. Very good! -bows-
  14. IDEA TIME! Like Vanitas in Birth by Sleep, in each arc there will be at least one battle with Dark Ryan besides the true final battle against him. (Sorta like how Vanitas, besides being the final boss for Ventus was a boss in certain worlds and had his own theme) This is the theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j37_JS1cQQI&feature=youtube_gdata_player ^^ Dark Ryan battle theme (not final battle theme) It fits because Dark Ryan is the embodiment of fear, suffering, sorrow, and sadness, he's also the embodiment of emptiness and nothing. He wants a world truly devoid of emotion and this battle theme fits him, especially in certain scenarios. It just gives a feel that makes me think of him. BTW, the game this song is from is called Radiant Historia (I know it says that in the video), a great and underrated game by Atlus, which most of you know from the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series. And no, this is not the true final battle theme.
  15. And no one ignores me! YAY' Do you get how the lyrics fit me? "I know, that's why you take me back!" (refers to Dark Ryan becoming me and friends leaving and returning, also something else) "I know, that's the price I must pay!" (what I get for having darkness within me and fearing, and all that other drama, and the suffering I and my friends must endure) "I wanna bring it back, we never carry on!" (the want and need to bring all of my friends back and carry on with our lives, but what about carrying on with or without someone) "Seize it somehow, seize it somehow! That's the only thing I lose!" (get it all back, rewind, change back the time, regain what I've lost, the only thing I lose sometimes is trust and bonds, also friends, let's bring it back! What's lost can be brought back with time) "I know it's me, I never trust anything but me!" (it's my fault for what happens or happened, it's also because of my fears and worries, like not trusting anything but myself which causes me to become Dark Ryan sometimes as it piles up) ^^ This is Mato's theme and it fits me so much. This is my character theme. As my arc, Ally's arc, ami's arc, and Golden's arc are the most important.
  16. Like a bolt from the blue, a new challenger! AUSTIN APPEARS! Hey, what's up?
  17. This is how the heat began for me T_T "Ahh... A nice potato chip, don't you think?" (on tinychat) -boom, loud thunder and wind- "Hey everyone, shit just got serious here in NY" -rain passes- "Never mind, now it's firetrucking hot!" THE END! My sisters look outside the window like this doesn't exist x3
  18. YAY! Golden, you're the best for taking this idea seriously and keeping the motivation going for me! Thank you! And for being a great friend and telling me for coming back here! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png I missed you third bro!
  19. O____O I can sing the BRS game OP theme perfectly.
  20. ^^ This should be the opening theme for the game. It fits me and Dark Ryan more though. "That's the price I must pay!" Also, it's like firetrucking hot here. 80 degrees in NY and barely any windows doesn't help. Blegh...
  21. I have a feeling me saying "enjoy the moment!" made you post that. So Hanekoma is Naught? PONPONWEIWEIWEI
  22. I swear I have lost count of how many times I have heard that song x3It's just so good! I love it!
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