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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I'm back!

    1. Ryan


      I have finally returned. I left for work mostly, was writing my story, and also, finished Japanese studying. YAY! ^w^

    2. coolwings


      YAY I hope you had funn

  2. I will return to KH13 in mid-July

  3. Goodbye KH13, this time for real!~ I have decided to finally retire my account as I see I'm no longer welcome here, so farewell and thank you for all the good and bad memories on this site. If you'd like to continue to speak to me then please add me on Skype, my ID is keytotheheart Farewell~

    1. Sora96


      Everyone is welcome at KH13.com.

    2. Xer


      no dude no!

    3. Weedanort


      Ryan don't go :(

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  4. Ryan

    Have a good night mom! I love you! <3 Also, go into gakusei (student) mode for me! STUDY THEM KATAKANA AND GET YOUR ICE CREAM TRUCK BACK!! x3 I hope I can speak to you later, must get own comp!

    1. Kirie


      I understand 5 letters x3

    2. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      I see japanese letters! =o

    3. Kirie


      That's katakana ._. (lol)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. Ryan

    Hey mom, I have to go now as my other IRL mom wants the comp. Hopefully I'll be able to get on later and you're on. I miss you a lot, and yeah, someone was bothering me, but I took care of that. :D

    1. Kirie


      O.o Do I know you sir?

    2. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      LOL, my Dear Ami, I believe you haven't met my good brother Dennis(a.k.a Delta Ultima). He is my best friend and he happens to be my neighbor, and he's like a brother to me. Hehe, Ami meet Dennis, and Dennis, meet Ami! :D

    3. Kirie


      O.o ohhh...


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  6. Ryan

    I miss you, and wow KH13 has changed for the worse... *hugs you*

    1. Kirie


      Nobody is bothering you right..? *hugs back*

  7. Awesome dude! I knew you could do it. You usually reach every milestone you try to accomplish on here. NICE!
  8. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

  9. Ryan

    Aww, thank you mom! I feel special. I haven't had time to speak to anyone TBH, I don't know why. It may also be because I never get my comp anymore. I am very happy for being able to teach you Japanese and be special, I love you mom, please get better! <3

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      I'm proud of you Ryan, your such a good teacher! *hugs you* :D

  10. I think part three will have to do with the father getting out of prison, and finding out what he should do next in his life. It's an epilogue to this menacing story in a new society coming soon because the US government lets criminals out now early, regardless of what they've done.
  11. Gumi is my Panda Hero! Also, yeah. Now that school is out everyone wants to be like I was and stay up all night The thread seems to of changed but I like it and nice avvy Gumi Finally home alone. YES! (wish it could always be like this) Going to make some more ideas. x3
  12. Gumi, have you been up all night? x3 I haven't. It's been such a weird day for me sleep-wise.
  13. You want to be a final boss? Sorry, but no. Lt, you're a main character, not a final boss, pick out your theme and post it
  14. Final Boss Themes: Sorrow upon Corruption (plays during first battle with Xathe when Ryan and Dark Ryan confront and battle him): [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKDmj3llGfc[/media] To the Dawn of a Brand New Future (plays during the first final battle with Xathe when the whole party is with you): [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug6B7c_Xut8[/media] Dirge until the End (plays during the true final battle with Xathe as Ryan): [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAW4xlbyu28[/media] To the End of Happiness and Sorrow (plays during the true final battle against Dark Ryan): [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6ETSyttvos[/media] What do you think of them?
  15. OK Ally, your theme has been added. Now I need Austin to tell me his theme and that's mostly it.
  16. To all of you. Please give me character themes now. I am going to finish this soon, I only have a few more left to right. You all wanted to hear and this is my friends. Please tell me what you think so far.
  17. Character Themes: Ryan: [media=] [/media] Ryan (~After Dilemma~): [media=] [/media] Ryan (~Revelation/Flashback~): [media=] [/media] Dark Ryan (First Encounter Theme): [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JkclcbQs28[/media] Xathe: [media=] [/media] ami: [media=] [/media] Roxana: [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vOkpOKpy6Y[/media] Nathan: [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsfSo4ybS70[/media] Allison: [media=] [/media] Austin: Lukas: [media=] [/media] Gumi: [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZQ2tvqLgok[/media]
  18. KH13: The End of Memories Characters: Ryan Ami (ami) Nathan (Naught) Roxana (*Rikku*) Gabriel (Dark Sora) Allison (Wuver) Lukas (Golden Ultima) Gumi Austin (FireRubies1) Xathe Dark Ryan Daniel (DChiuch) Every member mostly Worlds: The World of Awakening The World of Corruption The Realm of Memory's End Ubaba's Bathhouse London Japan Mushroom Kingdom Death City Hyrule Others are secret Difficulties: Beginner Mode Normal Challenging Mode Extreme Mode ~PROLOGUE~ The beginning starts off as a flashback, though it could also be the future or something else. The flashback becomes clear and understandable near the end. A room filled with people is shown "My name, it is..." A person is heard running while breathing heavily towards a shadowy figure "Where, what are you? I know..." He approaches the figure and as it turns to him, it all blacks out as he becomes dizzy "You will find out the truth eventually, for I am your truth... You still must learn..." As he fades into unconcouisness he sees it reveal itself. The cutscene ends. "I am, one that never should of existed. On that day, it all changed..." "Right as it ends he sees people fading, disappearing like false memories. It all becomes clearer and then a scream is heard and it ends, later The Realm of Awakening (KH13) is shown as it was all a dream, or was it not?"
  19. Xathe Final Boss Theme (as Ryan and Dark Ryan): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKDmj3llGfc&feature=youtube_gdata_player How I planned this scenario out is that when you enter The World of Corruption you are met by Xathe (who's name is an anagram of hate), Dark Ryan joins Ryan in battle and prepares to put his plan into action. What Dark Ryan and Xathe don't know up to that point is that they're both being puppets for the grand plan. After a while in this world the intentions are revealed. It turns out by Daniel letting 13 members go into this world he let Xathe's plan take place. Xathe prepares to take each of the 13 members hearts one by one and complete his world. Ryan and Dark Ryan appear ready to fight him. It turns out that Xathe is just clearly evil to be evil and this theme fits him. As the battle begins Ryan's HP and MP go down to one and a "recharge timer" appears. A door appears and Ryan struggles to hold onto Dark Ryan, which becomes a somewhat symbolic reaction command. The story sort of unravels here and I want to make it seem like after you beat Xathe the game truly ends, but of course another surprise is in store for you which I will explain later as well as Xathe's true intentions and these 13 members of KH13.
  20. Well not the whole story, but of course what I have done. What I have decided on doing is making a limit system that only applies to three characters in game: Ryan, Nathan, and Roxana. Those three characters have major importance to the plot, well of course I do, I have Dark Ryan. Here is the limit theme for Ryan, Roxana, and Nathan. It fits that this is your last chance, this is your power and you have to stand up and use this power you've gotten. It plays if you die on Extreme Mode and can get a second chance or if your other powers have been activated: And this is Dark Ryan's limit form, when he enters a limit or reaches critical HP in certain battles: Notice the lyrics on the second one and why I chose it?
  21. 私は消えていたが、私は彼らの生活の中で個人的な問題で10人を助けた。それは素晴らしい、エキサイティングな、そしてドラマチックな体験でした。もちろん、私は消えていた間、私は私のインスピレーションを使用して多くのアイデアを書いた。また、私はゲームを事前注文し、私の人生を楽しんで、私のコンピュータを変更し、いくつか新しいことを発見し、タイニチャットに行きました。今、私は戻っています、私は緩和新しい私でありながら滞在する予定です。これは私のリターンです。最後のポストの勝利に私の復帰は、不可能を可能とし、素晴らしい人々が滞在しているスレッド。 私の友人は私のアイデアを私は戻って私を歓迎し、私はすべてと同様にあなたと私の物語を共有する準備が整いました。
  22. Ryan

    How do you get so many likes in one day? It's like you have some magical force or something.

    1. Rob


      Yes Ryan, its magic.

  23. Sorry, someone using my comp x3 Also, I hope the demo is out on Tuesday.

    1. Ryan


      if you saw a weird status, it wasn't me, it was my comp being used by someone else...

  24. To all those who are concerned: The reason I may not be on today is because I am working on something, so I logged off to be able to write what I needed to and also because I don't want people to see the site when they use my computer. Sorry to my family, it wasn't to ignore you. x3

    1. Ryan


      When I mean computer I mean it would remember me so if I went on KH13 I'd always be online. I will be back later on tonight. Thank you! And to ami, you are free to PM me.

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