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Ryan last won the day on March 29 2012

Ryan had the most liked content!

About Ryan

  • Birthday 09/06/1997

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  • Member Title
    The Phantom of KH13
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  1. Name: Ryan Age: 15 Appearance: Ryan wears a brown cloak and a white mask to conceal his face when attending to official vampire affairs. Rank: Lord Bio: He recruits vampires by masquerading as a human and acting as their friend, before biting them. He disappeared shortly after recruiting Ulrich, possibly out recruiting more vampires. Since he has had several centuries of free time, he has experimented on vampires that have betrayed them, or humans that were bitten and unworthy of joining the vampire ranks. He has conducted experiments on himself that were proven successful, so he has some superhuman abilities, all with their own risks for using them.
  2. Fake? I would never do such a thing. You KH13 members have such demented views on who I am as a person.
  3. Hello KH13 members. I am in contact with the person responsible for this, and I now know what this is. The song you heard on the site was created on June 26, 2013, and it is a project with unforeseen possibilities. What could it be? Could it be a 2.5? Only time may tell, KH13 members. The theories you create, will no longer bear only on you, but the fans as well. The fans will unite. September 17, 2013. The door shall open (http://destati.jp/door/) Until then...
  4. Who here likes Mario & Luigi RPG series? I'll make videos of the newest one if anyone does.

    1. liamaru


      i feel very "meh" about them exept part II

  5. Here are some leaks that I posted on my private FB profile. Make of them what you will. Most have been verified, and I was the one to officially confirm Layton Brothers localization, as well as Bravely Default's. Here is image proof of me confirming BD's reveal in April: http://puu.sh/3wIvm.png I have decided now to make an update thread whenever my sources leak info to me, and then see which ones are confirmed or false. Here we go! You may not have heard many of these leaks, as my sources are not people in the industry, but people who are connected to industry people. CONFIRMED LEAKS: -Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will be released in North America and Europe. (Leaked by me in February) -Layton Brothers: Mystery Room is being localized by L5IA and will be released in June. (Leaked by me in March) -Persona 5 is in the final stages of development and will be revealed before TGS 2013 by Atlus. Index's financial issues is what delayed its reveal. (Leaked by me on FB in July) -Etrian Oddyssey Untold will be released in North America. (Leaked by me on FB in May) -Kingdom Hearts III will be revealed for PS4 and Xbox One, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII will become Final Fantasy XV for PS4 and Xbox One (leaked by me in May on FB) -The semi-final boss of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is Antasma, who you will fight as only Mario, who absorbs Dreamy Luigi for the battle. Antasma can attack by using mini-saws, and other forms of crazy attacks. The true final boss is Dreamy Bowser, who uses his airships to attack Mario and Luigi, and even captures Luigi. The final world is known as Bowser's New Castle. Giant Bowser is the final Giant Luigi boss battle. (Image: http://puu.sh/3wIi1.png) -Tales of Xillia 2 will be released in North America and Europe in 2014. -Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable will be launching in English speaking countries in August 2014. UNCONFIRMED TRUE: -X is being localized during development and will launch simultaneously worldwide. That's all for now.
  6. A source close to me has officially confirmed to me that Persona 5 is officially in development and will be revealed soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      They did, but they never officially announced it at all besides it being in development. What I saw is different than the announcement Atlus stated years ago.

    3. Deadshot


      Well details are different, Their parent company also did site called Persona5.JP recently.

    4. EternalReckoning


      seriously!!? O_O hope its ps4 would love to see it! :D

  7. Ryan


    Welcome to KH13, where you can steal a buck from Daniel with a simple addon! #GhosteryAdBlock4Lyfe
  8. Ryan


    Welcome to NeoGAF: Kingdom Hearts Edition!
  9. Ryan


    404 Empathy Not Found I am programmed with an advanced feature that only my master Snow has access to. DEBUGGING... PLEASE WAIT PXE NOW BOOTING BOOT DISK FOUND... BOOTING THROUGH IPV4 STACK >Hello there! I am Ryan, the Descole fan of Junes... System...rebooting...
  10. Ryan


    You spelled "who cares?" wrong.
  11. Ryan


    503 Unauthorized firetrucks Found
  12. Hello there, I'm Ryan from TRADUKO Soft! I'm the main translator of a game called "Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable". I don't want to waste any time explaining, so let's get to the main points of this post. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable - In April, we said we'd be releasing the game in Fall 2013. This had to be changed due to coding issues, which we are currently working on. You can expect to see the game in Summer 2014. Thank you for your patience as we work on the game. - A trailer for the game will be available in August, and will have four minutes of in-game footage. We hope you're looking forward to it as much as us! - The alpha build is now complete, and the winners of the alpha test build will be announced on July 3! Make sure to check back then, as we'll be handing out the builds via messages on July 23. Untitled KH13 game in development by TRADUKO Soft - After a year of working on this project, we can finally announce it to everyone. We are working on a KH13 game. It will be a story based game that focuses on how Ryan met Naught, and all of KH13's key members will be featured in the game. - The game has two prototypes so far. One running the Unity engine, and one using Unreal Engine 3. - The game will focus on how Ryan met Naught and most of the members from the Forum Games board. The story will focus on a mysterious person with connections to Naught in some form. He is terrorizing the city of Kakunei, and it is up to them to stop him. - The game has no confirmed platforms besides PC right now, and will be released on Steam/Steam Greenlight. - There is currently no release date or window as the game is now in development. Future projects - We would like to translate Half-Minute Hero 2 and SOL Trigger sometime in the future, but cannot confirm anything yet. We will think of it when we have finished work on Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable. - We will be doing fan translations of Nintendo 3DS games when the 3DS is hacked completely. The game we are thinking of translating is a secret for now though. - TRADUKO Soft will be making a Visual Studio 2012 program for users running Windows 7 and Windows 8, and making API kits for those running Windows 8.1. These tools can be used for quicker translations, and will be releasing in November for members of TRADUKO Soft. We'd like to finish this by saying thanks to our fans, and we hope to show you more as the year goes on. Please be patient, for we are doing as much as we can! Thank you for reading this, and enjoy your summer! I originally posted this on our Facebook page, and decided to post it here for fans of PMMM and since it mentions KH13.
  13. If anyone guess the game series this is from, I will give many cookies as the reward. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1LH8YaC0rIv I almost guarantee no one can guess it, and will be even more shocked when I reveal the answer.
  14. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1LH8YaC0rIv What series of game is this from? Take a guess. After a few tries, I will tell you the answer.
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