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Everything posted by MrSanderss

  1. Limit Form!!! because it has guard. A sexy guard at that.
  2. Probably Roxas' data fight in kh2fm. That one took a loot of practice to beat on lvl 1 cm
  3. Also, it wouldn't hurt to have some decent accessories, have you tried synthesizing some equipment?
  4. Make sure to always have aero cast, it shouldn't be too much trouble if you do that? o.o *edit* whoops posted before seeing those other posts
  5. I swear I do this every time I come back and play the game Wakka has suffered many blitz balls to the face for the sake of my leveling. As a side note my friend has a level 31 account on kh2 that's still in the station of serenity, he wants to get a finishing plus while he's still Roxas
  6. Thanks guys. Safe to say the community is already looking a lot better than al ot of the other forums I've been on lol.
  7. Lately I've been thinking of a good forum to get involved in, and for some reason this one completely slipped my mind for a long time. I'm a hardcore fan of the series and have been coming to this site more and more frequently over the past month or so, so I figured I'd make an account and join the forums I'm looking forward to finally talking to some other fans of the series (my friends usually ignore the recommendation as soon as I mention Disney).
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